[comp.sys.atari.st] A collection of PD disks

mj@myrias.UUCP (06/08/87)

	For all of you searching for a poblic domain software for ST.
    I have seen recently an ad which climed that they have over 300
    disks of programs available.  To get a catalogue one should send
    $2.00 (Cdn, I suppose, but I do not know) and blank, formatted
    disk (single sided? - probably).  An annoucement claims that 
    printed catalogue would be over 100 pages long, so it does not
    exist in that from.

	I did not try to order anything, I have no idea what is in this
    library, but if you would like to try, an address is:

		1161 Des Fuavettes,
		Boucherville, Quebec

	These people publish an ST magazine on disk, named
    "F.A.S.T.E.R." (what else?).  The magazine, in my opinion would be
    quite nice, in my opinion, if it would cost $1.50 instead of $15.00,
    and if it would be prionted on paper.  Otherwise it is OK.

	 Michal Jaegermann
	 Myrias Research Corporation
	 Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
	 ...{ihnp4, ubc-vision}!alberta!myrias!mj

lharris@utgpu.UUCP (06/10/87)

In article <507@myrias.UUCP> mj@myrias.UUCP (Michal Jaegermann) writes:
>	For all of you searching for a poblic domain software for ST.
>    I have seen recently an ad which climed that they have over 300
>    disks of programs available.  To get a catalogue one should send
>    $2.00 (Cdn, I suppose, but I do not know) and blank, formatted
>    disk (single sided? - probably).  An annoucement claims that 
>    printed catalogue would be over 100 pages long, so it does not
>    exist in that from.
>	I did not try to order anything, I have no idea what is in this
>    library, but if you would like to try, an address is:
>		F.A.S.T.E.R.
>		1161 Des Fuavettes,
>		Boucherville, Quebec
>	These people publish an ST magazine on disk, named
>    "F.A.S.T.E.R." (what else?).  The magazine, in my opinion would be
>    quite nice, in my opinion, if it would cost $1.50 instead of $15.00,
>    and if it would be prionted on paper.  Otherwise it is OK.
>	 Michal Jaegermann
>	 Myrias Research Corporation
>	 Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
>	 ...{ihnp4, ubc-vision}!alberta!myrias!mj

$15.00 ?????  It (the FASTER disk sells for $5.00 in Toronto