[comp.sys.atari.st] Megamax version of Curses 1/3

tony@wldrdg.UUCP (06/10/87)

Here's the version of curses for Megamax that I promised. The readme.too
file contains comments specific to the Megamax version.

Tony Andrews
Wildridge Consulting, Inc.
Boulder, CO

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	readme.too
#	readme.txt
#	twinkle.c
#	portab.h
#	curses.man
#	curses.h
# This archive created: Tue Jun  9 23:02:35 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'readme.too'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'readme.too'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'readme.too'
		Notes for the Megamax Version of Curses

This version of curses compiles with the Megamax C compiler. A couple
of bug fixes were needed and the wgetstr routine was hacked quite a bit.


1. The overlay() routine was renamed woverlay() to avoid a conflict with
   the Megamax reserved word.

2. The entire file was placed in an overlay because I needed the space.
   You may want to get rid of the overlay line in curses.c depending on
   what you're linking curses with.

3. The routines printw() and scanw() are implemented in the usual brute-
   force way since Megamax doesn't have varargs. These are at the end
   of curses.c.

4. Remember to change your init.c to get extra stack space.

5. The file portab.h contains the definitions needed from the Alcyon
   file of the same name. If you have a more complete version, use it.

6. twinkle.tos isn't in this distribution because I wanted to post this
   stuff as clear text.

Tony Andrews
Wildridge Consulting, Inc.
Boulder, CO
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'readme.txt'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'readme.txt'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'readme.txt'
This is Atari-curses, read the curses.doc file about installing first.

The archive should contain the following files :

CURSES.C         Source for CURSES, compile once.
CURSES.H         Include file for CURSES.C and any program using CURSES.
CURSES.MAN       CURSES short docs, a manual page for UN*X-freaks.
CURSES.DOC       CURSES long docs, this is what you will want to read when
                 you are going to use CURSES.
README.TXT       This file.
TWINKLE.C        Sample application.
TWINKLE.TOS      Ready to run sample application.

This is essentially a shareware program, its usage is subject to the following
conditions :

PUBLIC-DOMAIN       : don't take the credit for it.
Commercial purposes : Send 5 US-dollars or equivalent currency and return
                      postage to me to get a written consent to use it.

CURSES may be distributed to anyone, provided that all of the above files
remain in the archive, and the various copyright notices remain intact.

Bug reports and suggestions are welcome, send me e-mail.

Rene van't Veen                  ( ...!mcvax!nikhefh!u13 )
Debussystraat 27
1817 GL Alkmaar
The Netherlands
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'twinkle.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'twinkle.c'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'twinkle.c'
/* sample application using curses calls, this takes about 25 seconds on the */
/* Atari and over 6 minutes on a mainframe, using a vt100 on a 4800 baud     */
/* line. Even on the mainframe it uses 24 seconds of computation time.       */

#include "portab.h"
#include "curses.h"

#define NCOLS 80
#define NLINES 24
#define MAXPATT 4

struct locs {
	char y,x ;
	} ;

typedef struct locs LOCS ;


int	pat ;
int	nstar ;

	int i ;

	initscr() ;
	leaveok(stdscr,1) ;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
		makeboard() ;
		puton('*') ;
		puton(' ') ;
		} ;
	endwin() ;

	int y,x ;
	LOCS *lp ;
	pat = rand() % MAXPATT ;
	lp = Layout ;
	for ( y = 0 ; y < NLINES ; y++ )
		for ( x = 0 ; x < NCOLS ; x++ )
			if ( ison(y,x) )
				lp->y = y ;
				lp->x = x ;
				lp++ ;
				} ;
	nstar = lp - Layout ;

int y,x ;
	switch ( pat )
		case 0:
			return(!(y & 0x01)) ;
		case 1:
			if ( x >= NLINES && y >= NCOLS )
				return(0) ;
			if ( y < 3 || y >= NLINES - 3 )
				return(1) ;
			return((x < 3 || x >= NCOLS - 3 )) ;
		case 2:
			return(((x+y) & 0x01)) ;
		case 3:
			return(( y>= 9 && y <= 15 )) ;
		} ;

char ch ;
	LOCS  *lp, *end, temp ;
	int r ;
	end = &(Layout[nstar]) ;
	for ( lp = Layout ; lp < end ; lp++ )
		r = ((unsigned int) rand()) % nstar ;
		temp = *lp ;
		*lp = Layout[r] ;
		Layout[r] = temp ;
		} ;
	for ( lp = Layout ; lp < end ; lp++ )
		mvaddch(lp->y,lp->x,ch) ;
		refresh() ;
		} ;
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'portab.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'portab.h'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'portab.h'
 * This file re-implements portions of the Alcyon portab.h needed
 * by curses. If you have a more complete portab.h that contains
 * the following definitions, use it.

#define	BYTE	char
#define	WORD	int
#define	LONG	long
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'curses.man'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'curses.man'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'curses.man'
CURSES(3X)                                                          CURSES(3X)


    curses - screen functions with "optimal" cursor motion


   The functions in the curses-package give you an implementation of the
UN*X-curses package for the Atari ST series computer. It allows you to do
terminal-oriented graphics of a crude nature. An image is kept of what the
current screen looks like, while the user creates a new image. Refresh()
must be called to make the current screen look like the one the user has
prepared. Initscr() must be called to initialize the package and endwin()
to clean up before exiting.


   Screen Updating and Cursor Movement Optimization : A Library Package,
       Ken Arnold.
   The CURSES screen updating and cursor movement package : A collection
       of C-functions for the Atari ST-series computers, R. van 't Veen.


   UN*X-curses  : Ken Arnold.
   Atari-curses : Rene van 't Veen.


   addch(c)                                  add a character to stdscr
   addstr(s)                                 add a string to stdscr
   box(win,v,h)                              draw a box around a window
   crmode()                                  set cbreak mode
   clear()                                   clear stdscr
   clearok(scr,f)                            set clear flag for scr
   cltobot()                                 clear to bottom on stdscr
   clrtoeol()                                clear to end of line on stdscr
   delch()                                   delete a character
   deleteln()                                delete a line
   delwin(w)                                 delete window w
   echo()                                    set echo mode
   endwin()                                  end window mode
   erase()                                   erase stdscr
   getch()                                   get a char through stdscr
   getstr()                                  get a string through stdscr
   getyx(w,y,x)                              get current coordinates
   inch()                                    get char at current coordinates
   initscr()                                 initialize curses
   insch()                                   insert a character
   insertln()                                insert a line
   leaveok(w,f)                              set leave flag for window w
   longname(termbuf, name)                   get a long terminal name
   move(y,x)                                 move to (y,x) on stdscr
   mvcur(ly,lx,ny,nx)                        actually move the cursor
   newwin(lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)        create a window
   nl()                                      set newline mapping on
   nocrmode()                                unset cbreak mode
   noecho()                                  unset echo mode
   nonl()                                    set newline mapping off
   noraw()                                   unset raw mode
   overlay(win1,win2)                        overlay win1 on win2
   overwrite(win1,win2)                      overwrite win1 on win2
   raw()                                     set raw mode
   refresh()                                 make terminal look like stdscr
   scroll(win)                               scroll win one line up
   scrollok(w,f)                             set scroll flag for window win
   standend()                                leave standout mode
   standout()                                enter standout mode
   subwin(win,lines,cols,begin_y,begin_x)    create a sub window
   touchwin(win)                             change everything on win
   waddch(win,c)                             add char to win
   waddstr(win,s)                            add string to win
   wclear(w)                                 clear w
   wclrtobot(w)                              clear w to bottom of w
   wclrtoeol(w)                              clear w to end of line
   wdelch(w)                                 delete character from w
   wdeleteln(w)                              delete line from w
   werase(w)                                 erase w
   wgetch(w)                                 get a character through w
   wgetstr(w,s)                              get a string through w
   winch(w)                                  get char at current (y,x) of w
   winsch(w,c)                               insert a char on w
   winsertln(w)                              insert a line on w
   wmove(w,y,x)                              set current coordinates of w
   wrefresh(w)                               make terminal look like w
   wstandend(w)                              leave standout mode for w
   wstandout(w)                              enter standout mode for w


   Hopefully none, but you never know ...
   If you find any, please let me know, 
   I ( Rene ) am at ..!mcvax!nikhefh!u13 .
fi # end of overwriting check
if test -f 'curses.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'curses.h'"
cat << \HE_HATES_THESE_CANS > 'curses.h'
/* ************************************************************************ */
/*                                                                          */
/*   CURSES.H                      include file for programs using CURSES   */
/*                                                                          */
/* ************************************************************************ */
/* 									    */
/* This source and resulting object may be modified, used or distributed by */
/* anyone who so desires under the following conditions :                   */
/*									    */
/*	1) This notice and the copyright notice shall not be removed or     */
/*	   changed.							    */
/*	2) No credit shall be taken for this source and resulting objects   */
/*	3) This source or resulting objects is not to be traded, sold or    */
/*	   used for personal gain or profit.				    */
/*	4) Inclusion of this source or resulting objects in commercially    */
/*	   available packages is forbidden without written consent of the   */
/*	   author of this source.					    */
/*                                                                          */
/* ************************************************************************ */

#include "portab.h"
#include "stdio.h"

#define reg			register
#define bool		BYTE
#define TRUE		1
#define FALSE       	0

#define _SUBWIN		01
#define _ENDLINE	02
#define _FULLWIN	04
#define	_SCROLLWIN	010
#define	_STANDOUT	0200
#define	WINDOW		struct _win_st

#define TOUCHED		0x0200
#define STANDOUT	0x0100

#define addch(c)			waddch(stdscr, c)
#define mvaddch(y,x,c)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; waddch(stdscr,c) ; }
#define mvwaddch(w,y,x,c)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; waddch(w,c) ; }
#define addstr(s)			waddstr(stdscr,s)
#define mvaddstr(y,x,s)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; waddstr(stdscr,s) ; }
#define mvwaddstr(w,y,x,s)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; waddstr(w,s) ; }
#define clear()				wclear(stdscr)
#define clearok(w,f)		{ w->_clear = (w->_flags & _FULLWIN) ? f : w->_clear ; }
#define clrtobot()			wclrtobot(stdscr)
#define clrtoeol()			wclrtoeol(stdscr)
#define delch()				wdelch(stdscr)
#define mvdelch(y,x)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; wdelch(stdscr) ; }
#define mvwdelch(w,y,x)		{ wmove(w,y,x) ; wdelch(w) ; }
#define deleteln()			wdeleteln(stdscr)
#define mvdeleteln(y,x)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; wdeleteln(stdscr) ; }
#define mvwdeleteln(w,y,x)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; wdeleteln(w) ; }
#define erase()				werase(stdscr)
#define insch(c)			winsch(stdscr,c)
#define mvinsch(y,x,c)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; winsch(stdscr,c) ; }
#define mvwinsch(w,y,x,c)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; winsch(w,c) ; }
#define insertln()			winsertln(stdscr)
#define mvinsertln(y,x)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; winsertln(stdscr) ; }
#define mvwinsertln(w,y,x)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; winsertln(w) ; }
#define move(y,x)			wmove(stdscr,y,x)
#define refresh()			wrefresh(stdscr)
#define standout()			wstandout(stdscr)
#define standend()			wstandend(stdscr)
#define getch()				wgetch(stdscr)
#define mvgetch(y,x)		( wmove(stdscr,y,x) , wgetch(stdscr) )
#define mvwgetch(w,y,x)		( wmove(w,y,x) , wgetch(w) )
#define getstr(s)			wgetstr(stdscr,s)
#define mvgetstr(y,x,s)		{ wmove(stdscr,y,x) ; wgetstr(stdscr,s) ; }
#define mvwgetstr(w,y,x,s)	{ wmove(w,y,x) ; wgetstr(w,s) ; }
#define getyx(w,y,x)		{ y = w->_cury ; x = w->_curx ; }
#define inch()				(stdscr->_y[stdscr->_cury][stdscr->_curx])
#define mvinch(y,x)			( wmove(stdscr,y,x) , stdscr->_y[stdscr->_cury][stdscr->_curx])
#define mvwinch(w,y,x)		( wmove(w,y,x) , w4->_y[w->_cury][w->_curx])
#define winch(w)			(w->_y[w->_cury][w->_curx])

struct _win_st {
	WORD	_cury, _curx ;
	WORD	_maxy, _maxx ;
	WORD	_begy, _begx ;
	WORD	_flags ;
	BYTE	_clear ;
	BYTE	_leave ;
	BYTE	_scroll ;
	WORD	**_y ;
	WORD	*_firstch ;
	WORD	*_lastch ;
} ;

extern WINDOW *curscr ;
extern WINDOW *stdscr ;
extern char	*Def_term ;
extern bool	My_term ;
extern char	*ttytype ;
extern int	LINES ;
extern int	COLS ;
extern int	ERR ;
extern int	OK ;
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0