[comp.sys.atari.st] This that and the next thing ...

neil@hwcs.UUCP (06/09/87)

Here some of my queries and discoveries about the ST ...

The only version of Neochrome that I have is 0.5 which I got free with the
machine. While poking about in it (is this against the law? Yours or mine) I
found that it tries to load a file called "NEO.MCP". Since I didn't have this
file I assumed it was an authors hook "Master Control Program" ala TRON. I gave
it a 1K NEO.MCP file and exepected it to crash. Nope! MCP I reckon stands for
Multi Coloured Palette. I think the original palette is well organised but you
can change it using this feature by giving it a 512 word file of colour values.
Please excuse me if this has been documented in a later release as I have yet
to see a release version. Do any later releases support medium and high res
modes and what new features do they provide. I was interested in the animation
hook someone found one version.

I have recently been investigating direct keyboard reading and found Megaroids
method rather interesting. The current keyboard chip only sends key data on the
control,alternate,left shift,right shift and any two other keys. If you play
Megaroids and hold Z and X down you can't thrust. Also since the keyboard vector
is switched at the start of the game you can play Thrusteroids:-
1. Select 1 game from the start menu
2. Hold down the thrust key '?'
3. Abort the game with F1
4. Restart the game and as long as you don't press '?' again its release code
   will never be sent the thrust will stay on.
The same effect can be achieved with other controls but are not as exciting.
Also notice that if you hold down and repeat a key before you start a game
the key click continues during the game even after being released. This is due
to the OS not getting the release code.

C & Assembler
I am torn between two development systems. I have only recently (seems like I do
everything recently :-)) started learning C using the Megamax Compiler. I like
the Developers Kit AS68 assembler, which I have been using for over a year now,
but find the C impossible after using Megamax. I think the Megamax assembler
is trivial and not really intended for big assembly language programs. Having
said that, someone recently (!) sent a program to the net that was completely
written using the Megamax assembler. I take my hat off to him.
When I started using Alycon C after Megamax I was stunned by its policy on
carriage returns. I found that to terminate a scanf I had to use CTRL J! I
couldn't find any #defines governing that anywhere. Have I missed something
there? Ideally I would like to get my hands on a different/friendlier compiler
which will accept my AS68 object files during linking. Does MWC do this?
Will they ever produce an assembler?

Is anybody still talking about these? Since I like to write code that will work
on all ST's I wouldn't make use of the blitter and take the Sublogic approach
of rolling your own graphic routines. I therefore would like new && compatible
bug free ROMS.

Is there any way of OS independantly restoring the default vectors other than
resetting or switching off the machine? On my old BBC Micro the address of the
default vector table was freely availiable in all versions of the OS and
software protections made good use of it. I was reliably informed by Atari that
changing the keyboard vector can't be done safely without introducing some OS
dependance. I concluded that Megaroids does this and will only work on future
ST's if Atari are content with their current keyboard handling.
I for one am not but will suffer if they do change it.

Every time I try to use * for a wildcard I get the emacs [Mark set]
message. If I use the * on the keypad I get a weird X. I presume that Gulam
changes the keyboard mapping and that the new map makes * produce a character
zero thus mark set. Is this due to UK and US keyboard differences?

"I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being
told that ordinary decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and
tired. I'm certainly not and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am!"
- Monty Python                            (Vote for the Silly Party on June 11)

 Neil Forsyth                           JANET:  neil@uk.ac.hw.cs
 Dept. of Computer Science              ARPA:   neil@cs.hw.ac.uk
 Heriot-Watt University                 UUCP:   ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!neil

pes@bath63.UUCP (06/10/87)

Yes, Gulam appears to remap the keyboard into a US keyboard.  (I presume this
is an attempt to 're-standardize' it in case something run previously has
munged it, but it's annoying.  I seem to recall that uemacs 3.7i did/does this
as well -- certainly one of the many uemacs'es around does.)

Please, folks, when you write keyboard-driven thingies, leave the flipping
keyboard alone -- if it's funny, it's probably funny because I like it that
way -- or at least provide an easy hook to allow me to set it up the way I like
it.  While I did have some 30 years of US keyboard use, I've been using UK ones
since I came here, and I **like** for all the keyboards I use to have the
special chars in the same place.