[comp.sys.atari.st] NL-10 Printer loses characters at End-of-Page

maden@rzsin.sin.chunet (David Maden) (07/07/87)

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote ...

> I have a Star NL-10 printer connected to my 1040STf via the printer port. The
> plug-in unit on the Star-10 is a so-called Parallel Interface-Steckmodul. My
> problem is that, when I manually feed in single sheets of paper to the printer
> to get a print-out of a file from the desk-top (i.e. double-click the file and
> then select the "print file" option), I lose characters (the number that get
> lost appears random but is usually about 16) when changing sheets of paper.
> Etc ....

Thanks to help from Holger Brieger in Berlin, I have been able to fix the
fault. The problem is the Version of the EPROM in the NL10 Plug-in Cartridge.
You can see the version number by invoking the printer's self-test feature.
Mine was P1.4 and is now P1.5 and works much better. On changing sheets of
paper, though, I now have to press the on-line button as well which was not the
case before (but I guess this could be a feature rather than a bug since you
then have a chance to check that the paper is straight!!). 

Since I have seen this same fault on many printers in the shops in this part
of Switzerland, there may be other Atari users out there in need of the same

<maden@rzsin.sin.chunet>                David Maden,
maden@czheth5a.bitnet                   Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research,
                                        CH-5234 Villigen