[comp.sys.atari.st] IBM floppies // PRINT program wanted?


Date: 13 July 1987, 17:47:18 SET
From: Dr. Roland Waldi          phone (6221) 564334  WALDI    at DHDIHEP1
      Inst. fuer Hochenergiephysik
      Schroederstr. 90
      D-6900 Heidelberg

Hello Atari-Netters,

there was some discussion on IBM---ST floppy transfer; here are
my experiences: I have an IBM PC connected via 7171 protocol
converter to an IBM mainframe. Only recently I have added a
3 1/2" external drive to the PC, and I'm downloading files
(text and UUEncoded) via KERMIT (MS-Kermit 2.29) to this drive.
I had no problems reading and UUdecoding these files at my
Atari! Furthermore, I can write new files on the floppy,
create new subdirectories ("folders"), and put files into them,
and read anything without any trouble on the IBM-PC, as well as
transferring it via KERMIT to the mainframe (Carets ^ are
translated to EBCDIC "not", as usually in BITNET, but not to tilde).
I can NOT read ATARI-formatted floppies on the PC,
even with an MS-DOS boot sector created by PCFORMAT.
But, as I mentioned, I can create new folders at the ATARI
on a PC formatted disk.
(someone here reported about problems with that, who was he/she?)

Here is a test, how ATARI characters transfer (I have omitted
CR, LF, ESC, SUB, DEL), in ASCII sequence:

`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ .6.7


Looks already messy on the IBM4341! Now my second point:

Is anybody on the net interested in a PD program with the
following features?

- print program sources and other text files (ASCII + Atari characters)
  on a NEC (P6/P7) or compatible printer, connected to the parallel port
- set P6/P7 printer parameters
- variable character widths:  10, 12, 15 or 20 characters/inch
- line spacing:      4,  5,  6,  6.7, 8 or 10 lines/inch
- optional bottom line:  with text and page number
- optional mode:     Draft or NLQ
- optional page eject control character in column one
  (e.g. for FORTRAN ANSI files)
- variable left margin
- variable line width to be used
- variable number of lines per page
- selectable range of lines from the file to be printed

I could also send the source (megamax C), if someone wants to
change it for other brand of printers.
But since there are much similar programs around i hesitate
posting it to the net.
There are more PD programs to come, as soon as I got around and
wrote some short doc.

Roland Waldi