[comp.sys.atari.st] Public Domain Standard C Libraries: Part 2 of 2

root@stag.UUCP (Computer Abuser) (07/26/87)

----------------------Cut Here...Start of Part 2 of 2------------------------

_printf(op, put, fmt, args)
char *op;
int (*put)();
char *fmt;
int *args;

	<fmt> points to a format control string.  <args> pointers to a
	list of arguments.  The format string is used to create and output
	stream with the arguments.  The <put> function is used to output
	each character.  The <op> parameter is given to the <put> function
	to specify the output stream.  Calls to <put> are of the form:
	"(*put)(c, op);" where <c> is the character to output.  The format
	string is composed of characters and format specifications.  The
	'%' character introduces a format specifier.  The general form of
	a format specifier is:
		%[-][ |+][0][<width>|*][l]{d|i|u|o|x|b|c|s}
	The '-' specifies left justification.  The ' ' or '+' specifies
	the character which preceeds positive numeric values.  The '0'
	specifies that numeric fields will be padded with '0' rather than
	' '.  The <width> field is a numeric value specifying a fixed
	field width.  If '*' is specified for the field width, an "int"
	value from the argument list is taken to contain the field width.
	If output exceeds the field width, the field will be '*' filled.
	The "<min>.<max>" type of width specification is not supported.
	The <width> field simply acts like "<width>.<width>", specifying
	both minimum and maximum field size with one value.  In order
	to be somewhat compatible with the dotted width spec, the width
	value will be zeroed if a '.' is seen, allowing the digits of
	the second field spec to set the width value.  If no width is 
	specified, the field width varies according to the data printed.
	The 'l' specifies that the associated value is a "long" type.
	The trailing character specifies the format type, as follows:
		d	Signed decimal integer
		i	same as 'd'
		u	Unsigned decimal integer
		o	Unsigned octal integer
		x	Unsigned hexadecimal integer
		b	Unsigned binary integer
		c	Character
		s	String
	If the character following the '%' is not recognized, it is
	simply passed along to the output stream, thus "%%" is used to
	print a single '%' character.

char *ltoa(n, buffer, radix)
long n;
char *buffer;
int radix;

	Convert the long value <n> to a string in <buf> using <radix>
	as the number base.  If <n> is negative, '-' will be the first
	character in <buf>.  A pointer to <buf> is returned.

char *ultoa(n, buffer, radix)
unsigned long n;
char *buffer;
int radix;

	Convert the unsigned long value <n> to a string in <buf> using
	<radix>	as the number base.  A pointer to <buf> is returned.

char *itoa(n, buffer, radix)
int n;
char *buffer;
int radix;

	Convert the integer value <n> to a string in <buf> using <radix>
	as the number base.  If <n> is negative, '-' will be the first
	character in <buf>.  A pointer to <buf> is returned.

long ltoa(number)
char *number;

	Convert the string <number> to a long value.  Leading whitespace
	is ignored, a leading +/- is optional.  Characters are processed
	until a non-digit is reached.  Return value is undefined in an
	overflow situation.

int itoa(number)
char *number;

	Convert the string <number> to an int value.  Leading whitespace
	is ignored, a leading +/- is optional.  Characters are processed
	until a non-digit is reached.  Return value is undefined in an
	overflow situation.

_scanf(ip, get, unget, fmt, args)
char *ip;
int (*get)();
int (*unget)();
char *fmt;
char **args;

	<fmt> points to a format control string.  <args> pointers to a
	list of arguments, each of which is the address of a variable in
	which input data may be stored.  The format string is used to
	control reading of characters from the <get> function.  As each
	character is needed <get> is called in the form: "c = (*get)(ip);"
	where <c> is the character read (negative for errors) and <ip>
	is the auxiliary pointer specified by the <ip> parameter.  If
	a character needs to be un-gotten, a call to <unget> of the form:
	"(*unget)(c, ip);" is made.  The format string is composed of
	characters and format specifications.  Any characters in <fmt>,
	except whitespace characters, which are not part of a format
	specifier are expected to be matched one-to-one by characters in
	the input stream.  Scanning terminates if a mismatch occurs or
	if any call to <get> results in an error.  Whitespace characters
	match 0 or more whitespace characters in the input stream.  The
	'%' character introduces a format specifier.  The general form
	of a format specifier is:
	The '*' specifies that a field is to be scanned by not stored.  No
	variable pointer should be provided for non-stored format specs.
	The <width> field specifies that maximum number of characters to
	be process to fill the given format type.  Less than <width>
	characters will be processed if the field ends before <width>
	characters have been processed.  A field ends when either a
	whitespace character, or a character which does not fit the
	specified format, is read.  The 'l' specifies that the associated
	variable is a "long" type.  The trailing character specifies the
	format type, as follows:
		d	Signed decimal integer
		u	Unsigned decimal integer
		o	Unsigned octal integer
		x	Unsigned hexadecimal integer
		b	Unsigned binary integer
		i	Unsigned decimal/octal/hexadecimal/binary integer
		c	Character
		s	String
	If a <width> is specified with the 'c' format, exactly <width>
	characters (including whitespace) are read from the input
	stream, and written to a string.  No '\0' character is added.
	If the character following the '%' is not recognized, it is
	expected to match the input stream as a non-format character,
	thus "%%" is used to match a single '%' character.

char *ctlcnv(string)
char *string;

	Convert \<char> notation in <string> to actual characters.  This
	is useful for reading strings from a stream when you want to allow
	insertion of control character or other characters that may have
	special meaning otherwise, or may not otherwise be allowed.  The
	following formats are supported:
		\n		newline or linefeed
		\r		carriage return
		\0		null character (value 0)
		\b		backspace
		\t		horizontal tab
		\v		vertical tab
		\f		form feed
		\a		alarm (bell)
		\\		backslash
		\'		single quote
		\"		double quote
		\NNN		octal constant
		\xNN		hexadecimal constant
		\<nl>		"folded" line (both characters removed)
	A pointer to the modified <string> is returned.


	You may want to include "STRING.H" in your program if you use
	functions in this section, otherwise you'll have to declare the
	return types for any functions you use.

char *blkcpy(dest, source, len)
char *dest;
char *source;
int len;

	Copies the <source> block to the <dest>.  <len> bytes are
	always copied.  No terminator is added to <dest>.  A pointer
	to <dest> is returned.  Overlap checking IS done.

char *blkfill(dest, data, len)
char *dest;
char data;
int len;

	Fill <dest> will <len> bytes of <data>.  A pointer to <dest>
	is returned.

int blkcmp(blk1, blk2, len)
char *blk1;
char *blk2;
int len;

	Lexicographically compare the two blocks.  Return a value
	indicating the relationship between the blocks.  Possible
	return values are:
		negative	blk1 < blk2
		0		blk1 == blk2
		positive	blk1 > blk2
	<len> bytes are always compared.

int blkicmp(blk1, blk2, len)
char *blk1;
char *blk2;
int len;

	Compare blocks as with blkcmp(), but ignore the case of any
	alphabetic characters.

char *memcpy(dst, src, cnt)
char *dst;
char *src;
int cnt;

	Same as blkcpy().

char *memccpy(dst, src, c, cnt)
char *dst;
char *src;
char c;
int cnt;

	Copy bytes from <src> to <dst> until either <cnt> bytes have been
	copied, or the character <c> has been copied.  Returns <dst>.

char *memset(dst, c, cnt)
char *dst;
char c;
int cnt;

	Same as blkfill().

char *memchr(buf, c, cnt)
char *buf;
char c;
int cnt;

	Search the first <cnt> bytes of <buf> for <c>.  Returns a pointer to
	the matching character, or NULL if not found.

int memcmp(buf1, buf2, cnt)
char *buf1;
char *buf2;
int cnt;

	Same as blkcmp().

int memicmp(buf1, buf2, cnt)
char *buf1;
char *buf2;
int cnt;

	Same as blkicmp().

int strlen(string)
char *string;

	Returns the number of characters in a string, not including the
	terminating '\0'.

char *strcpy(dest, source)
char *dest;
char *source;

	Copies the <source> string to the <dest> including the '\0'.  A
	pointer to the start of <dest> is returned.

char *strncpy(dest, source, limit)
char *dest;
char *source;
int limit;

	Copies the <source> string to the <dest>.  At most, <limit>
	characters are copied.  If <source> ends before <limit> characters
	have been copied, the '\0' is copied, otherwise <dest> is not
	terminated by the copy.

char *strdup(string)
char *string;

	Create a copy of <string> and return a pointer to the copy.

char *strset(string, c)
char *string;
char c;

	Fill <string> with <c> up the the terminating '\0' of <string>.

char *strnset(string, c, n)
char *string;
char c;
int n;

	Fill at most <n> characters of <string> with <c>, up the the
	terminating '\0' of <string>.

char *substr(dest, source, start, end)
char *dest;
char *source;
int start;
int end;

	Copy characters from <source> to <dest> starting with character
	<start> and ending with <end>.  A pointer to <dest>, which will
	be '\0' terminated, is returned.

char *subnstr(dest, source, start, length)
char *dest;
char *source;
int start;
int length;

	Copy <length> characters from <source> to <dest> starting with
	character <start>.  A pointer to <dest>, which will be '\0'
	terminated, is returned.

char *strcat(dest, source)
char *dest;
char *source;

	Concatenate <source> on the end of <dest>.  The terminator of
	<dest> will be overwritten by the first character of <source>.
	The termintor from <source> will be copied.  A pointer to
	the modified <dest> is returned.

char *strncat(dest, source, limit)
char *dest;
char *source;
int limit;

	Concatenate <limit> characters from <source> onto <dest>.  If
	<source> contains less than <limit> characters, the length of
	source is used for <limit>.  The terminating '\0' is always
	added.  A pointer to <dest> is returned.

char *strupr(string)
char *string;

	Convert all alphabetic characters in <string> to upper case.

char *strlwr(string)
char *string;

	Convert all alphabetic characters in <string> to lower case.

char *strrev(string)
char *string;

	Reverse the order of the characters in <string> in place.

int strcmp(str1, str2)
char *str1;
char *str2;

	Lexicographically compare the two strings.  Return a value
	indicating the relationship between the strings.  Possible
	return values are:
		negative	str1 < str2
		0		str1 == str2
		positive	str1 > str2

int strncmp(str1, str2, limit)
char *str1;
char *str2;
int limit;

	Compare strings as with strcmp(), but limit comparison to the
	<limit> characters.

int stricmp(str1, str2)
char *str1;
char *str2;

	Compare strings as with strcmp(), but ignore the case of any
	alphabetic characters.

int strnicmp(str1, str2, limit)
char *str1;
char *str2;
int limit;

	Compare strings as with strncmp(), but ignore the case of any
	alphabetic characters.

char *strstr(string, pattern)
char *string;
char *pattern;

	Return a pointer to the first occurance of <pattern> in <string>.
	NULL is returned if <pattern> is not found.

char *stristr(string, pattern)
char *string;
char *pattern;

	Same as strstr(), but ignore the case of any alphabetic characters.

char *strchr(string, symbol)
char *string;
char symbol;

	Return a pointer to the first occurance of <symbol> in <string>.
	NULL is returned if <symbol> is not found.

char *strrchr(string, symbol)
char *string;
char symbol;

	Return a pointer to the last occurance of <symbol> in <string>.
	NULL is returned if <symbol> is not found.

int strpos(string, symbol)
char *string;
char symbol;

	Return the index of the first occurance of <symbol> in <string>.
	-1 is returned if <symbol> is not found.

int strrpos(string, symbol)
char *string;
char symbol;

	Return the index of the last occurance of <symbol> in <string>.
	-1 is returned if <symbol> is not found.

int strspn(string, set)
char *string;
char *set;

	Return the length of the sub-string of <string> that consists
	entirely of characters found in <set>.  The terminating '\0'
	in <set> is not considered part of the match set.  If the first
	character if <string> is not in <set>, 0 is returned.

int strcspn(string, symbol)
char *string;
char *set;

	Return the length of the sub-string of <string> that consists
	entirely of characters not found in <set>.  The terminating '\0'
	in <set> is not considered part of the match set.  If the first
	character if <string> is in <set>, 0 is returned.

char *strpbrk(string, set)
char *string;
char *set;

	Return a pointer to the first occurace in <string> of any
	character in <set>.

char *strrpbrk(string, set)
char *string;
char *set;

	Return a pointer to the last occurace in <string> of any
	character in <set>.

char *strtok(string, delim)
char *string;
char *delim;

	Return a token from <string>.  If <string> is not NULL, it is
	the beginning of a string from which tokens are to be extracted.
	Characters found in <delim> are skipped over to find the start
	of a token, characters are then accumulated until a character in
	<delim> is found, or the terminator of <string> is reached.
	A pointer to the '\0' terminated token is then returned.  Note
	that this function modifies <string> (by inserting '\0's) in
	the process.  Subsequent calls to strtok() may specify NULL as
	the <string> argument, in which case subsequent tokens are
	returned, or NULL if there are no more tokens.

char *strtrim(string, junk)
char *string;
char *junk;

	Remove leading and trailing characters found in <junk>
	from <string>.  Return a pointer to the modified <string>.

char *stradj(string, dir)
char *string;
int dir;

	Adjust <string> by adding space if <dir> is positive, or removing
	space if <dir> is negative.  The magnitude of <dir> is the number
	of character positions to add or remove.  Characters are added or
	removed at the beginning of <string>.  A pointer to the modified
	<string> is returned.

int strrpl(string, ptrn, rpl, n)
char *string;
char *ptrn;
char *rpl;
int n;

	Replace at most <n> occurances of <ptrn> in <string> with <rpl>.
	If <n> is -1, replace all.  Return the number of replacments.

int strirpl(string, ptrn, rpl, n)
char *string;
char *ptrn;
char *rpl;
int n;

	Same as strrpl() except ignore the case of alphabetic characters.


	To use the functions in this section, you must include "CTYPE.H"
	in your source file.  Please note that the isXXXX() functions,
	except isascii(), only have defined results if isascii() is true.
	(ie. they only work properly on values 0x00 through 0x7F)

int toupper(c)
int c;

	Convert <c> to upper case, if alphabetic.  This is implemeted
	as a macro and also as a function.  You may force use of the
	function version rather than the macro (which evaluates its
	argument twice) by using the "#undef toupper" directive.

int tolower(c)
int c;

	Convert <c> to lower case, if alphabetic.  This is implemeted
	as a macro and also as a function.  You may force use of the
	function version rather than the macro (which evaluates its
	argument twice) by using the "#undef tolower" directive.

int _toupper(c)
int c;

	This macro should be used only if <c> is known to be lower case.
	It converts <c> to upper case.  Results are undefined if converting
	a character which is not lower case.

int _tolower(c)
int c;

	This macro should be used only if <c> is known to be upper case.
	It converts <c> to lower case.  Results are undefined if converting
	a character which is not upper case.

int toascii(c)
int c;

	Convert <c> to 7-bit ascii, putting it into the range 0x00..0x7F.

int isalnum(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is '0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z'.

int isalpha(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 'A'..'Z','a'..'z'.

int isascii(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 0x00..0x7F.

int iscntrl(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 0x00..0x1F,0x7F.

int isdigit(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is '0'..'9'.

int islower(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 'a'..'z'.

int isprint(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 0x20..0x7E.

int ispunct(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is not iscntrl(), isalnum() or isspace().

int isspace(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 0x09..0x0D,0x20.

int isupper(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is 'A'..'Z'.

int isxdigit(c)
int c;

	Return non-zero if <c> is '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'.


	To use the functions in this section, you must include "TIME.H"
	in your source file.

long time(rawtime)
long *rawtime;

	Get the current system clock date/time value.  Under many systems,
	this function returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT on
	Jan 1, 1970.  This implementation returns an encoded date/time
	value instead.  Therefore any programs which depend on this value
	being a number of seconds will not work properly.  However, other
	functions in this section which make use of the raw time value
	returned by time() are implemented to be compatible with this
	encoding, and will work properly.  In addition to returning the
	raw time value, if the <rawtime> pointer in not NULL, the value
	is stored in the long <rawtime> points to.

char *ctime(rawtime)
long *rawtime;

	Convert <rawtime> to a string.  A 26 character fixed field string
	is created from the raw time value.  The following is an example
	of what this string might look like:
		"Wed Jul 08 18:43:07 1987\n\0"
	A 24-hour clock is used, and due to a limitation in the ST system
	clock value, only a resolution of 2 seconds is possible.  A pointer
	to the formatted string, which is held in an internal buffer, is

struct tm *gmtime(rawtime)
long *rawtime;

	Convert <rawtime> to fill time structure fields.  A pointer to an
	internal structure is returned.  Refer to "TIME.H" for the values
	of the various structure fields.

struct tm *localtime(rawtime)
long *rawtime;

	Since there is not concept of "time zone" on the ST, this function
	is identical to gmtime().

char *asctime(time)
struct tm *time;

	Convert <time> structure value to a string.  The same format, and
	the same internal buffer, as for ctime() is used for this function.

long cnvtime(rawtime, time)
long *rawtime;
struct tm *time;

	Convert <time> structure value to raw time format.  In addition to
	returning the raw time value, if the <rawtime> pointer in not NULL,
	the value is stored in the long <rawtime> points to. (cf: time)

void stime(rawtime)
long *rawtime;

	Set the system clock to <rawtime>.

int utime(pathname, rawtime)
char *pathname;
long *rawtime;

	Set the modification date of <pathname> to <rawtime>.  Returns zero
	for success, or a negative error code.

long start_timer(t)

	Start a 200Hz timer.  This timer value can later be checked with
	time_since() to determine elapsed time.  These functions provide
	a very low-overhead way of timing events.

long time_since(t)

	Returns the number of 200Hz ticks since start_timer() was called
	for timer <t>.

int dt;

	Suspend operation for <dt> seconds.  This is implemented as a
	start_timer()/time_since() tight loop waiting for the specified
	amount of time to pass.  In a multi-tasking environment, this
	function should be replaced by a call which will de-activate
	this task for a period of time, allowing other tasks to run.


qsort(base, num, size, cmp)
char *base;
int num;
int size;
int (*cmp)();

	Perform a recursive quick-sort on an array starting at <base>
	containing <num> elements of <size> bytes each.  The function
	pointed to by <cmp> is used to compare elements.  Pointers to
	two items in the array are passed to the function, which must
	return a number representing their relationship as follows:
		negative	item1 < item2
		0		item1 == item2
		positive	item1 > item2
	The qsort() function requires the use of a temporary data area
	that is large enough to hold <size> bytes.  The default space
	provided is 128 bytes large.  If your record size is larger than
	128 bytes, YOU MUST provide an alternative storage area.  The
	global variable "_qbuf" points to the storage qsort() will use.
	Setting "_qbuf" to NULL restores use of the internal buffer.
	This routine is optimized to avoid N*N sort times for ordered data.

hsort(base, num, size, cmp)
char *base;
int num;
int size;
int (*cmp)();

	Perform an N*log(N) heap-sort on an array starting at <base>
	containing <num> elements of <size> bytes each.  The function
	pointed to by <cmp> is used to compare elements.  Pointers to
	two items in the array are passed to the function, which must
	return a number representing their relationship as follows:
		negative	item1 < item2
		0		item1 == item2
		positive	item1 > item2
	The hsort() function requires no extra storage, is not recursive,
	and has an almost constant N*log(N) sort time.  In the average
	case, it is about half as fast as qsort() on random data.  If
	portability is a concern, it should be noted that qsort() is
	almost always available, but hsort() is not.

char *bsearch(key, base, num, size, cmp)
char *key;
char *base;
int num;
int size;
int (*cmp)();

	Perform a binary search for <key> on the sorted data at <base>.
	<num>, <size> and <cmp> are like the corresponding parameters
	to qsort().  A pointer to the matching element is returned for
	success, or NULL for failure.  The global variable "_bsearch"
	will contain the index of either the matching element, or the
	place where <key> value should be inserted.  The use of "_bsearch"
	is not supported by many implementations of bsearch().

char *lsearch(key, base, num, size, cmp)
char *key;
char *base;
int num;
int size;
int (*cmp)();

	Perform a linear search for <key> on the data at <base>. The
	<num>, <size> and <cmp> parameters are like the corresponding
	parameters to qsort().  A pointer to the first matching element
	is returned for success, or NULL for failure.  If <key> is not
	found, it will be added to the end of the array.

char *lfind(key, base, num, size, cmp)
char *key;
char *base;
int num;
int size;
int (*cmp)();

	Like lsearch(), but do not add elements which are not found.


int rand()

	Return a pseudorandom number in the range 0..32767

void srand(seed)
unsigned int seed;

	Seed the random number generator.  This function is #defined as
	a comment, since no seeding is possible for this implementation
	of rand().

MACRO abs(x)

	Return the absolute value of <x>.  This macro evalutes it's
	argument twice.	((x)<0?(-(x)):(x))

MACRO max(x,y)

	Return the larger of <x> and <y>.  This macro evaluates the
	larger argument twice and the smaller argument once.

MACRO min(x,y)

	Return the smaller of <x> and <y>.  This macro evaluates the
	smaller argument twice and the larger argument once.

MACRO swap(a,b)

	Exchange <a> and <b> by chained XORs.  The macro evaluates
	each argument several times.

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