[comp.sys.atari.st] Uniterm V1.8a 014 bugs...


Hi there...has anyone had any problems with the user-definable function
keys on Uniterm 1.8a 014?  I just downloaded it from a server, and I don't
really know what is the newest version.  It seems that none of the shifted
function keys work (e.g. [shift] [F10]).  The first ten (unshifted) seem to
work, and everything else seems to be fine.  Is it my copy or is it a
Uni-glitch?  By the way, even if it is a Uni-glitch, I think that Uniterm is
one of the best terminal programs availible and many people that I've talked
to feel the same way.  Mr. Poole is to be congratulated and thanked
     -- Chris Johnson
        ZSR @ PSUVM
        CDJ @ PSUECL