marks%berns.DECnet@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU ("BERNS::MARKS") (08/23/87)
I'd like to get some comments on people's experiences with memory upgrades for the 1040ST. The recent flurry of discussion included reports of upgrades for the "ST", but many were for the 520ST and some didn't say. I have been told that, for some reason, expanding the 1040 is supposedly much harder than doing the 520. I recall hearing that, for the 1040, the only feasible upgrade is to 4 Meg, and this may require a new power supply. Can anyone refute or substantiate this? --Roger ------ (08/25/87)
I used to call a Atari ST BBS called Dial-a-Hitman ST, and it ran on a 4 megabyte ST. I don't remember where I heard this, either here, or on a local BBS, if it's here, then hear me repeat it. The ST can be expanded to 16 Megabytes, but it's MMU(I think that's the name) chip limits it to four right now. With the New Roms coming it will allow an ST to access up to FOUR GIGABYTES!! That's 4000 Megabytes! Also a BBS called the Simulacron-3 is running on a Mega ST4 and a SX modem right now, it's ATari's Test BBS that has become a full time BBS. The number is 408-227-3502. It's in San Jose, California Sheldon Chang!sheldon.hijacker.chang Masters of Software BBS 408-371-7630 The Hotel California 408-253-5123
neil@atari.UUCP (09/01/87)
In article <>, writes: > > With the New Roms coming it will allow an ST to access up to FOUR > GIGABYTES!! That's 4000 Megabytes! No it won't. Sorry. > Also a BBS called the Simulacron-3 >is running on a Mega ST4 and a SX modem right now, it's ATari's Test BBS that > has become a full time BBS. The number is 408-227-3502. > It's in San Jose, California Yes, do give it a call. -- --->Neil Harris, Director of Marketing Communications, Atari Corporation UUCP: ...{hoptoad, lll-lcc, pyramid, imagen, sun}!atari!neil GEnie: NHARRIS/ WELL: neil / BIX: neilharris / Delphi: NEILHARRIS CIS: 70007,1135 / Atari BBS 408-745-5308 / Usually the OFFICIAL Atari opinion
mrd@SUN.MCS.CLARKSON.EDU ("Michael R. DeCorte") (09/05/87)
> Gee maybe I worded something wrong. From what I heard the new ROM chips >can address up to one Gigabyte, in the HARD DISK. Not RAM. Understand what >I'm saying??? Well, correct me if I'm wrong. are you suggesting virtual memory? Hmmm that could be interesting comming from a company that can't get memory allocation correct even given a couple of years. They also can't seem to figure out how to remember what directories are in memory - boy directories are easy compared to page swaping. Also be cute trying to have virtual memory accross multiple partitions, remember that bothersome 32 Meg limit on your partitions, or is it 16 meg I forget. Oh and let's not forget the speed penalty. No I am not saying that VM systems are by nature slow but Atari has yet to figure out a way to read a disk drive at a resonable speed. (09/07/87)
It won't give four Gigabyte?? Ugh, I gotta choke some sources. Namely, one which you should know, the Reaper.