[comp.sys.atari.st] TeX and X-windows, etc.

csrobe@ICASE.ARPA (Charles S. Roberson) (09/09/87)

I would like to add my name to the *growing list* of people interested in
TeX and X-Windows.  (i saw 7 requests/questions on TeX and 5 on X-windows
since Friday Sept 4).

I like the idea of porting X-Windows on top of MINIX.  I have seen some of
Whitesmiths' IDRIS O/S and their dpANS C compiler and like it, but why
buy it when you can get MINIX for a song?

What TeX utilities are out there.  I saw some dvi and ps stuff on one of
servers (ATARINET?).  I would love to get my hands on a LaTeX system
with a TeX previewer.  Can anybody help me out.  I would rather not spend
money so i'm looking for PD stuff, but if necessary i might dish out the
$$$.  (i have already seen the comments on the one screwing up the
diagonal lines, etc).

has anybody thought about dividing this group up into sub-topics?  there
is a lot of stuff that i would like to filter out.  is info-atari big
enough for that.  is it too much of a burden?  just curious.

Chip Roberson                ARPANET:  csrobe@icase.arpa
1105 London Company Way      BITNET:   $csrobe@wmmvs.bitnet
Williamsburg, VA 23185       UUCP:     ...!uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!wmcs!csrobe
*(*please note change in UUCP address      ^^^^^^^^^^^  seismo is gone*)*