[comp.sys.atari.st] font changer

lean@sbcs.UUCP (Lean L. Loh) (09/24/87)

 This is my first UUENCODED posting, so please let me know if I screwed up.
This posting consists of two uuencoded files, i) font.uue ii) nice.uue  .
Font.uue when uudecoded gives you font.ttp which is a font loader (from 
Germany, I think), and I think only for monochrome system.  Nice.uue will
give you nice.fed which is a font file that I've created, and is many times
nicer than the system monochrome font on the ST. This font file is used by
font.ttp .   I have the font editor for this, but it about 28K in executable,
so I'll only post if many people want it.

 To change the font on you monochrome ST, type 'font nice.fed'  This will
take up about 4.5 K of memory.  Programs like DegasElite, Uniterm ( i think)
will cause the system to revert back to the ugly system font, the for all
GEM text, the font remains. Also switching to 50line mode and then back to 25
will have the same effect.

 I apologize for not posting this to Jim Turner, but since the file is so
small, I thought I'll just post it directly .

begin 644 font.ttp
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CSNET: lean@sbcs.csnet
ARPA: lean%suny-sb.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
UUCP: {allegra, hocsd, philabs, ogcvax}!sbcs!lean

lean@sbcs.UUCP (Lean L. Loh) (09/28/87)

Thanks to Bill Silvert, here's some info about that font changer program
that I posted about a week ago. BTW, I got the program from UACE (Houston)
and it's in Dutch and not German (Sorry, since I don't know both languages).

===================== (Bill's message follows) =====================
>which is Dutch -- I don't know the language well, but it is by Wilfred
>Kilwinger and is under development -- this version is PD.  It only
>replaces the 8x16 fonts, but future versions will replace the 6x8, 8x8
>as well as 8x16 fonts, will switch between them, and will be an
>accessory.  The fonteditor is available (I guess you have that) and a
>preinter driver is forthcoming.

William Silvert, Research Scientist, Modelling & Statistics Group
Biological Sciences Branch, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2
UUCP=...!{uunet,utai,watmath}!dalcs!biomel!bill, CDN=biomel@cs.dal.cdn

....lean (how's my font?)
CSNET: lean@sbcs.csnet
ARPA: lean%suny-sb.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
UUCP: {allegra, hocsd, philabs, ogcvax}!sbcs!lean