[comp.sys.atari.st] I've always wondered...

joslinpr@WPAFB-FDL.ARPA (10/06/87)

A recent letter complained that this newsgroup is used only
to bitch at Atari for their marketing sins.  Fair enough. If
some of the tech-types at Atari wouldn't mind talking about
their work, I have a few questions. 

1) Why is video memory organized the way it is? Wouldn't it
be easier to use 'chunked' (ie contiguous nibble or byte per
pixel)?  I know that this way the different screen
resolutions would have taken different amounts of video
memory, but even the 640x400 screen would have taken 'only'
128k at a nibble per pixel.  Did the scheme used make the
video shifter or blitter easier/cheaper? 

2) We've heard all sorts of (mostly unqualified) numbers
about how much the blitter will speed up the ST.  Early
rumors said 3-16X improvement; later rumors added the caveat
'on screen intensive operations'.  What does the blitter
really buy you?  Does the CPU continue to process in
parallel, making the blitter a kind of dma (perhaps with
logical operations during the transfer)? If the CPU is just
transferring blocks of memory, isn't the memory access time
the limiting factor?  How can the blitter be any faster?
Will the blitter also be a graphics processor, able to draw
lines and circles, given endpoints? 

Please reply to the newsgroup if you think others might be


Paul Joslin 

/ (UPI) A leading Democratic Presidential Candidate    / 
/ today announced an ambitious plan to repeal the      /
/ Law of Gravity.  "After all", he said, "It           /
/ unfairly discriminates against those of greater      / 
/ mass."  A Republican Candidate ridiculed the idea,   /
/ saying, "This is another example of the government   /
/ interfering where is doesn't belong.  Let the free   /  
/ enterprise system correct these imbalances".         /