[comp.sys.atari.st] --> Here's how to make 720K disks on PC-DITTO


Regarding my posting to the net a few weeks ago about trouble with PC-DITTO
720K disks, I offer the following (tenaciously fought for) solution:
It turns out that my dealer (Computers and Games, Muhlenberg Shopping Plaza,
Reading, PA) received a letter from Soft Logik soon after I bought my copy
of PC-DITTO regarding what else but 720K disks on a 1040ST.  It turns out that
>>> IF YOU ARE USING DOS 3.0 OR HIGHER <<< you can include the following line
in the CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS boot disk:
DEVICE = DRIVER.SYS /<disk drive letter>:0 /F:2
where <disk drive letter> is the "virtual drive" that you wish your 720K
drive to be named.  For example, I use drive D: as my 720K drive so my line
------>  THE CATCH  <------
This all seemed too easy, didn't it?  Well, there are two catches to this
method.  First of all, it assumes that you HAVE DOS 3.x on a 3 1/2" disk
already.  This wasn't a problem for me because I "have" a PS/2 Model 30
to play with here at dear 'ole State.  The solution to this problem is
either buddy up to someone with a PS/2 (Model 30's are the simplest to use
because their drives don't store more than 720k; other drives may store
1.14 Meg (or whatever) and you'll have to tell the system somehow that you
want *only* 720K :-)) or buy DOS from IBM or MicroSoft.
The second problem is your DOS boot disk *MUST* have the DRIVER.SYS file
on it.  This driver is the one that sets up the virtual disk D: and tells
DOS that it is double-sided and 720K.
Just as a side note:  Since my ST only has the internal drive, I usually use
a 100K VDISK for copying files and such.  I haven't been able to get DOS to
recognize an ATARI ramdisk yet (but then I haven't tried too hard....).  The
command I use (for those of you who *love* to read manuals as much as I do):
DEVICE = VDISK.SYS SIZE=<size of ramdisk in kilobytes>
so my line in the CONFIG.SYS file looks like:
PC-DITTO is a neat hack.  It is rather slow, but you can't have everything,
I guess.  My next project is to get StarFlight and Leather Goddess of Phobos
(don't ask) working on it.  Right now they crash the system.  I transfer files
from my roommate's PC XT with a null-modem cable at 19.2 kbaud.  It takes only
7 minutes to transfer >160K using ProComm (PC XT) and Uniterm V1.8a (God bless
Simon Poole).  If there is sufficient interest I'll post my schematics and
experiences getting *that* hack working.
I hope this little note (read dissertation) helps those of you who were cursing
SoftLogik as I was a few weeks ago.  In particular, I hope this note gets to
Warner Young (WHY at someplace;  I couldn't decipher the 20 lines of BITNET
bullshit at the top of the letter to get your address) and Steve Molin who
also gave a creative solution to the problem (but not as simple as this one;
this one you install the config.sys and forget it).  Thanx for the letters.
Christopher D. Johnson
Penn State University
ZSR at PSUVM.bitnet
CDJ at PSUECL.bitnet
"I hear IBM is trying to register the number '2' as in 'PS/2.'  I guess the
rest of us will have to make do with the other nine digits..."
        -- Overheard on IBM.PC newsgroup on NETNEWS