[comp.sys.atari.st] Professional GEM column #13

exodus@uop.UUCP (Freddy Kreuger) (10/17/87)

                        *PROFESSIONAL GEM*
                           By Tim Oren
                Column #13 -   A New Form Manager

     This  is  the 13th installment of ST PRO GEM,  and the  first
devoted to explaining a large piece of code.  This article is also
the  second  in a series of three concerning  GEM  user  interface
techniques.   The  code is an alternate form (dialog) manager  for
GEM.   It  is stored as GMCL13.C in DL3 of PCS-58.   You should go
and  download it now,  or you will have no hope of following  this

     What  is  unique  about this version  of  the  form  manager?
First,  it  implements  all of the functions of the  standard  GEM
form_do  routine,  as  well as adding a "hot spots" feature  which
causes  selectable  objects to become mouse-sensitive,  just  like
the   entries  in  menu  dropdowns.    The  second  (and  obvious)
difference  is that this form manager is provided in  source  code
form.   This  gives you the freedom to examine it and change it to
suit your own needs.

     I  have  several  purposes in presenting this  code.   It  is
intended   as  an  example  of  GEM  program  structure,   and  an
application  of  some  of  the  techniques  presented  in  earlier
columns.   It is also relevant to the continuing thread discussing
the necessity of feedback when constructing a user interface.

     Also,  this  issue represents the beginning of a  fundamental
change in direction for ST PRO GEM.   Since this column began last
August, Atari ST developers have increased not only in number, but
in sophistication.   A number of books,  as well as back issues of
ST PRO GEM,  are now available to explain the basics of the ST and
GEM.   Quick  answers  to common questions are available  here  on
Compuserve's PCS-57 from Atari itself,  or from helpful members of
the developer community.

     To  reflect these changes,  future columns will discuss  more
advanced topics in greater depth, with an accent on code which can
be  adapted  by developers.   The program presented in this  issue
will be a basis for a number of these discussions.   There will be
fewer  "encyclopediac" treatments of AES and VDI  function  calls.
Finally, to give me the time required to create this code or clean
up tools from my "bag of tricks", ST PRO GEM will probably convert
to a monthly format around the start of summer.

     ON  WITH  THE SHOW.   Taking your listing in hand,  you  will
quickly notice two things.   First, this program uses the infamous
portability macros,  so that it may be used with Intel versions of
GEM.  Second, the routines are arranged "bottom up", with the main
at the end,  and subroutines going toward the beginning.  (This is
a carry-over from my days with ALGOL and PASCAL.)  You should  now
turn to the form_do entry point near the end of the code.

     One change has been made in the standard calling sequence for
form_do.   The  starting  edit field is now a pointer to a  value,
rather  than  the value itself.   The new form_do  overwrites  the
initial value with the number of the object being edited when  the
dialog  terminated.   Using  this  information,  your program  can
restore the situation when the dialog is next called.   As before,
if there is NO editable field, the initial value should be zero.

     There are several local variables which maintain vital  state
information during the dialog interaction.  Edit_obj is the number
of  the editable object currently receiving keystrokes.   Next_obj
is  set when the mouse is clicked over an object.   If the  object
happens to be editable,  next_obj becomes the new edit_obj.

     Three  variables are associated with the "hot-spot"  feature.
If hot_mode is set to M1_ENTER, then the mouse is outside the area
of the dialog.   If it equals M1_EXIT, then the mouse is currently
in the dialog.   If it is in the dialog, hot_obj indicates whether
there is an active "hot" object.   If its value is NIL (-1),  then
there is no active object.   Otherwise,  it is equal to the number
of the object which is currently "hot",  that is,  inverted on the
screen.   Finally, hot_rect is the current wait rectangle.  If the
mouse is outside of the window, then the wait rectangle equals the
dialog's  ROOT.   If there is a current hot object,  then hot_rect
equals  that  object's screen rectangle.   If the mouse is in  the
dialog,  but  not  within  a hot object,  then the wait  rectangle
defines  the  area within which no further  collision  checks  are
necessary.   This  is  arrived at through an  algorithm  explained

     Form_do's initialization code sets up the hot-spot  variables
to  trigger  if  the mouse is within the  dialog.   It  also  sets
starting  values  for edit_obj and next_obj which will  cause  the
edit startup code to be activated.

     The main portion of form_do is a loop, exhibiting the type of
event  driven  structure  discussed in the  last  column.   Before
entering the evnt_multi wait,  the status of next_obj and edit_obj
are  checked  to  see if a new object should  be  initialized  for
editing.   If  so,  objc_edit  is called with the EDINIT  function
code.   NOTE:  the objc_edit calling sequence used in this program
differs from the one given in the AES manual,  which is incorrect!
You  should check the bindings you are using to be sure they  will
work with this code, and modify as necessary.

     The evnt_multi is set up to wait for a mouse click (single or
double),  for  a  keyboard  input,  or  for the mouse  to  make  a
"significant"  movement,  as  discussed above.   Notice that since
form_do is used as a subroutine, it does not handle messages which
are  normally  processed  by the main loop  of  your  application.
Notice that this creates a mode,  and that this routine as written
handles modal dialogs.   You could,  however, use this code as the
basis for a non-modal dialog handler by drawing the dialog  within
a  window,  and  combining the main loop of form_do with the  main
loop  of your application.   (This possibility may be examined  in
future  columns.   In the meantime,  it is left as an exercise for
the reader.)

     The  event  bit vector is returned to the  variable  "which".
Since events are not mutually exclusive,  each possible event type
must be examined in turn before returning to the evnt_multi  call.
The form manager's event handling routines are form_hot, for mouse
rectangle event, form_keybd, for character input, and form_button,
for  mouse  clicks.   Form_keybd  and form_button are  allowed  to
terminate  the  dialog by returning a value of false to  the  loop
control variable "cont".   If termination is imminent, or the user
has  clicked  on a new editable object,  objc_edit is called  with
EDEND  to remove the cursor from the old object.   The normal flow
of control then returns to edit setup and evnt_multi.

     A few cleanup actions are performed upon termination.  If the
terminating  object  (stored in next_obj) is not the same  as  the
hot_obj, then a race condition has occured and the hot object must
be cleared with objc_toggle before exiting.   After this test, the
final  edit_obj  value is passed back via the parameter,  and  the
terminating object is returned as the function value.

responsible  for  maintaining on-screen hot-spots,  and  correctly
updating  the  internal hot-spot variables.   It is about  halfway
through the listing.

     The first action in form_hot is to determine if the mouse has
just exited an object which is "hot.  In this case, objc_toggle is
called to unhighlight the object and reset the SELECTED flag.

     The current mouse position is passed to form_hot by  form_do.
It  is checked against the root rectangle of the dialog to see  if
the mouse is inside the dialog.  If not, the program must wait for
it  to re-enter,  so form_hot sets the rectangle and waiting  mode
accordingly, and returns NIL as the new hot_obj.

     When the mouse is within the dialog, a regular objc_find call
determines  the object at which it is pointing.   For an object to
be  mouse-sensitive,  it must be SELECTABLE and not DISABLED.   If
the  found object meets these tests,  the mouse will "hover"  over
the  object,  waiting  to leave its screen rectangle.   Since  the
object might already be SELECTED (and hence drawn reversed),  this
is checked before objc_toggle is called to do the highlighting and
selection  of  the  object,  which becomes the hot_obj.   (If  the
object was already SELECTED, the hot_obj becomes NIL.)

     The  toughest  condition  is when the  mouse  is  within  the
dialog,  but  not over a mouse-sensitive object.   The regular GEM
event  structure  will not work,  because it can only wait on  two
rectangles,  and  there  may be many more selectable objects in  a
dialog  tree.   I have found a way around this limitation using  a
combination of the map_tree utility (introduced in ST PRO GEM  #5)
with the principle of visual hierarchy in object trees.

     In  summary,  the  algorithm  attempts to  find  the  largest
bounding rectangle around the current mouse position, within which
there are no mouse-sensitive objects.   It starts with a rectangle
equal  to the dialog root,  and successively "breaks" it with  the
rectangle of each mouse-sensitive object.  The next few paragraphs
examine this method in detail.

     Since  C  lacks  the  dynamic scoping  of  LISP,  from  which
map_tree was derived, it is necessary to set up some globals to be
used during the rectangle break process.   Br_rect is the GRECT of
the current bounding rectangle.   Br_mx and br_my hold the current
mouse position.   Br_togl is a switch which determines whether the
next  break will be attempted horizontally or  vertically.   After
initializing these variables, form_hot uses map_tree to invoke the
break_obj routine for every object in the dialog.

     Break_obj  first intersects the rectangle of the object  with
the  current  bounding  rectangle.   If they  are  disjoint,  then
neither  the object nor any of its offspring can  possible  affect
the  operation,  so FALSE is returned,  causing map_tree to ignore
the subtree.

     The  object is next checked to see if it is  mouse-sensitive.
As before, it must be SELECTABLE and not DISABLED, and it must not
be  hidden (this was checked automatically by  objc_find  before).
If  these  conditions are met,  then the object intrudes into  the
current  bounding rectangle.   To maintain the desired  condition,
part of the rectangle must be removed or "broken away".

     In  many  cases,  the  break  operation can  be  done  either
horizontally or vertically.  Since we have no prior information as
to which way the mouse will move next,  break_obj uses the br_togl
flag to alternate which direction it will try first.   This should
yield the most nearly square rectangle.

     The  break_x and break_y routines are very similar.   In each
case,  the  segment occupied by the breaking object is compared to
the  point  occupied  by the mouse.   If the point is  within  the
segment,  there is no possible break in this dimension,  and FALSE
is  returned.   If  the point lies outside the segment,  then  the
rectangle  may be successfully broken by reducing this  dimension.
This is done, and TRUE is returned to report success.

     The break_y routine also employs a look-ahead test to prevent
a possible infinite loop.   It is conceivable,  though not likely,
that someone might nest a non-SELECTABLE object completely  within
another  SELECTABLE object(s).   If the mouse point is within such
an  object,  the  algorithm  will not be able to  select  a  break
dimension.   In the current version, the mouse rectangle is simply
forced  to  a single pixel for this case.   (Note that is  is  NOT
sufficent to simply wait on the non-selectable object's rectangle,
since  other  SELECTABLE objects may overlap it and follow  it  in
tree order.)

     Since map_tree examines all possible objects, br_rect will be
the  correct bounding rectangle at completion.   Note that you can
readily  adapt this technique to other uses,  such as hot-spotting
while  dragging  objects.   It  is  much  less  demanding  of  CPU
resources than other methods, such as repetitive objc_finds.

     WHAT A CHARACTER!  The form_keybd routine acts as a filter on
character  input.   When  it  recognizes a control  character,  it
processes it and zeroes the keyboard word.  Other chararacters are
passed on to objc_edit to be inserted in edit_obj.  If there is no
editing object, the character goes to the bit bucket.

     The   form_keybd   given   implements   the   standard    GEM
functionality with two minor additions.   First, a carriage return
in  a dialog with no DEFAULT exit object is taken as a tab.   This
allows  <CR> to be used "naturally" in dialogs with several  lines
of text input.   Second,  tabs and backtabs "wrap around" from top
to  bottom  of  the dialog,  and are done by "walking  the  tree",
rather  than relying on the LASTOB flag to signal the end  of  the
dialog.   This  allows the new form manager to handle dialog trees
which are not contiguous in memory.

     The  code sets up several global variables for use by  mapped
functions.   Fn_obj is the output from both find_tab and find_def.
Fn_dir is an input to find_tab.  Fn_last, fn_prev, and fn_last are
used while searching for tab characters.

     A  carriage  return results in a search of the  entire  tree,
using  map_tree and find_def,  for an object with its DEFAULT flag
set.  Its SELECTED flag is set and it is inverted on the screen to
indicate  the action taken.   Form_keybd returns a FALSE to  force
termination  of  the main form_do loop.   If no DEFAULT is  found,
control passes to the tab code.

     The  tabbing  procedure is somewhat complicated  because  the
same code is used for forward and backward tabbing.  The old value
of edit_obj (the object being tabbed FROM) is placed into fn_last.
Fn_dir  is set to one for a forward tab,  and zero for a  backward

     The general strategy is to scan the entire tree for  EDITABLE
objects,  always  saving  the  last one found  in  fn_prev.   When
tabbing  forward  fn_last  is checked against  fn_prev.   A  match
indicates  that  the  current object is  the  one  desired.   When
tabbing  backward the current object is checked  against  fn_last.
If  they  match,  fn_prev is the desired object.   This  procedure
requires two passes when the tab "wraps around" the tree, that is,
when  the  desired object as at the opposite end of  the  traverse
from the old editing object.

     The  result  of  the  tab  operation  is  written  back  into
form_do's  next_obj parameter,  and becomes the new editing object
at the beginning of the next loop.

     BUTTON DOWN.  The form_button procedure is lengthy because it
must  recognize  and  handle  mouse clicks  on  several  types  of
objects:  EDITABLE,  SELECTABLE, and TOUCHEXIT.  The first section
of code rejects other objects, which cannot accept a click.

     The  next  piece of form_button makes a special check  for  a
double click on a TOUCHEXIT object.   This will cause the high bit
of the returned object number to be set.   (By the way,  this also
occurs  in  the standard form_do.)  This flag allows  user  dialog
code to perform special processing on the object.

     The largest piece of form_button handles the various cases in
which the SELECTABLE flag may be set.   Setting the RBUTTON (radio
button) flag causes all of the object's siblings in the tree to be
deselected  at  the  time the object  is  clicked.   The  do_radio
routine uses the get_parent utility to find the ancestor, and then
performs the deselect/select operation.

     If the SELECTABLE object is not TOUCHEXIT, then graf_watchbox
is used to make sure that the mouse button comes back up while  it
is within the object.  Otherwise, the click is cancelled.  Care is
necessary  here,  since the hot-spot code may have already set the
SELECTED flag for the object.   (We cannot be sure of this,  for a
race condition may have occurred!)

     If  the SELECTABLE object is TOUCHEXIT,  then the application
has requested that form_do exit without waiting for the button  to
go back up.   In both this and regular form_do,  TOUCHEXIT objects
are  used when you want to provide immediate response  (animation)
within the context of a dialog.

     The  final parts of form_button do cleanup.   If the  clicked
object  was  already hot-spotted,  hot_obj must be reset  to  NIL,
otherwise  form_do  will carefully unselect the object  which  has
just been selected!

     If  the  EXIT or TOUCHEXIT flags are  in  force,  form_button
returns  FALSE to force the completion of form_do.   For  EDITABLE
objects,  next_obj  is left intact to replace edit_obj during  the
next  loop.   Otherwise,  next_obj has done its job and is zeroed,
and form_button returns TRUE for continuation.

     This  concludes the tour of the alternate form_do.   The best
cure for any confusion in this explanation is to compile the  code
into  an  application  and  watch  how  it  runs  with   different
resources,  or attack it with a debugger.

     OPERATORS  ARE STANDING BY.   I encourage you to modify  this
code  to meet your particular needs and incorporate it  into  your
application.   I  would  like to request than anyone who comes  up
with  significant improvements (or bug fixes) send them to  me  so
they  can  be made generally available.   You can do this via  the
ANTIC ONLINE Feedback, or by sending E-mail to 76703,202.

     Speaking  of  Feedback,  I  would also like comments  on  the
proposed change of direction for the column,  and more suggestions
for  future  topics.   The  next  installment will  be  a  further
discussion  of  interface design.   Topics now queued  for  future
articles  include the file selector and DOS error handling,  a new
object  editor,  and customized drag box and rubber box  routines.
Discussions  on  VDI workstations and printer output are  on  hold
pending  release of the GDOS by Atari.   If there are items  which
you want to appear here, you must let me know!