[comp.sys.atari.st] 10meg floppy drives

csrobe@wmcs.UUCP (Chip Roberson) (10/18/87)

i found this capture kicking around deep in the bowels of my hard disk.
i had read some discussion about these big drives on here before and
thought maybe this might have more information.  i don't think there are
any problems with me posting this to the net (i hope).


#: 24357 S6/Hardware specific
    16-Sep-87  10:27:18
Sb: #24354-#SH204 auto-boot prob
Fm: Supra Corp 76004,565
To: SYSOP*Charles McGuinness 76701,11 (X)

hehehe, we have been promising a backup system since day 1, but due to various
technical problems, we have never been able to get the 40M tape system to work.
Well now Konica has come to our rescue, they have a 10M 5.25 SCSI floppy drive.
They use standard 5.25 floppies, but they have written some sync bytes to it.
We will sell the floppy for 19.95, Konica is getting the major floppy
manufacture to sell the floppy, so there will not be a problem there. There are
manufactures who are going to sell the unit to the Mac and IBM market, so we
should be able to see some price dropping over time. At introduction, the unit
is very competivly priced with tape units. We will sell 2 versions, a SCSI
version and a DMA version. The DMA version will go for 899, the SCSI is a
little cheaper. The drive is very fast, it has the speed performance of a 10M
4:1 HD. The floppy drive can also read, but not write, MS-DOS 360K and 1.2M
floppies. We will start receiving production units mid-October.


#: 24358 S6/Hardware specific
    16-Sep-87  11:48:59
Sb: #24357-#SH204 auto-boot prob
Fm: SYSOP*Charles McGuinness 76701,11
To: Supra Corp 76004,565 (X)

I take it the device can also be used as a regular GEMDOS directoried device??

How little is a little cheaper??

#: 24369 S6/Hardware specific
    16-Sep-87  22:42:28
Sb: #24358-SH204 auto-boot prob
Fm: Supra Corp 76004,565
To: SYSOP*Charles McGuinness 76701,11 (X)

Correct, you would be able to use it as a GEMDOS device, only limitation being
1 partition. (The headaches for multiple partition, removeable media, ouch.)
The SCSI version will be 50-100 cheaper, it has not be set yet.


and that's it!
Chip Roberson                ARPANET:  csrobe@icase.arpa
1105 London Company Way      BITNET:   $csrobe@wmmvs.bitnet
Williamsburg, VA 23185       UUCP:     ...!uunet!pyrdc!gmu90x!wmcs!csrobe
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