edstrom@UNCAEDU.BITNET (10/20/87)
Dear World, Although Calgary will be the host of the 1988 Winter Olympics and, some think, the center of the world for a few weeks we are usually well beyond the edge of Nowhere when it comes to access to the world's collection of ST software. Even the commercial packagess are often a few weeks to even months out of date by the time they arrive here. Attempts to remedy thsi situation with long distance modeming have been met with moderate success for us and easy profit for the phone companies. We are going to try to establish a circulating PD software-sharing network using s-mail. This will be slow but affordable and quicker than passive diffusion. The sysops of American BBRDs will be getting tentative letters to this effect in the near future. I have volunteered to try to establish a link with Europe. I would like addresses of European BBRDs or people who are interested in sharing their PD software. Many good things have surfaced here from Europe at odd times and places and we feel that that is only the tip of the iceburg. The way it would work is this: we here in Calgary will send out blank disks or money to cover media/post costs to various selected people who would gather software that has been requested and lists of software with, if possible, descriptions of them (software, not people, eh?) and their locations. As these disks are circulated anyone is welcome to take what they want and pass it on. This would of course be reciprocal; we will be glad to send stuff to Europe. Thanks in advance. Send responses to: |Dr. John P. Edstrom |EDSTROM@UNCAEDU Bitnet | |Div. Medical Physiology |7641,21 CIS | |3330 Hospital Drive NW |JPEDstrom BIX | |Calgary, ALberta T2N 4N1 | | |CANADA (403) 220 4493 | |