[comp.sys.atari.st] PD Print Spooler using Eternal

franco@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (10/23/87)


		    A print SPooLer for the Atari ST 

	  I never did see a decent PD spooler for the ST so I decided to
	  write one (at least I believe it is decent).  The main design
	  objectives were

		1. Easy to use
		2. Uses little computational resource (space and time)
		3. The file selected for printing need not stay around
		4. Does not affect other critical processes like
		   transferring files over the RS232 port.
		5. Allow up to 2 dozen files to be queued for printing


	  I felt the best way to meet these objectives is to use the
	  ETERNAL ramdisk, which I set up every time I use the ST, as
	  buffer area.  Each request for spooling results in a copy of the
	  requested file in ramdisk under the name *xxxxtmp.prt, where * is
	  a character from a-z.  In addition, a file named pqueue.tmp
	  contains a list of spooled files in the order they will be printed
 	  (the first file is the one currently being printed).  After a .prt
	  file is printed it is deleted, as is its namesake in pqueue.tmp.
	  When the queue empties and all files are printed, pqueue.tmp is


	  Seems to be pretty stable.  Load on the processor is not noticeable
	  whether or not a file is being printed.  Only a slight slowdown in
	  printing speed is noticed on an LQ800/1000.  Errorless file
	  transfers at 19200 baud using ZMDM in Gulam while the spooler is
	  installed.  Errorless file transfers at 1200 baud using ZMDM while
	  printing (my Atari at work can go to 19200 baud but does not connect
	  to a printer, my Atari at home connects to a printer but is limited
	  to 1200 baud by my modem - I expect reliable transfers at much
	  higher baud rates while printing).


	  Run SPLAST.PRG (but not from the auto folder).  You will lose
	  about 9k of RAM to a memory resident program and the program
	  SPOOL.TTP will appear in the ramdisk (regardless of the drive id
	  you choose).  


	  To enqueue a file FOO.BAR run SPOOL with the command line 


	  To stop printing that file delete the .prt file associated with it
	  (allow a few lines for the buffer to clear out).  To change the
	  order of files printed, edit pqueue.tmp (there is no reason, by the
	  the way, why you can't simply add some file names to pqueue.tmp
	  yourself.  However, you should remember that there will be an
	  attempt to delete those files after they are printed so write 
	  protect them if you want to keep them around).  Also, each line in 
	  pqueue.tmp must be exactly 12 characters long (plus <cr><lf>).  If 
	  you add a filename that is less than 12 characters long, pad the 
	  line with blanks on the right.  If you create pqueue.tmp on your 
	  own you must run SPLAST again to "kick" the spooler into operation 
	  (it will not reinstall on top of itself - in fact it will display 
	  a message saying that a spooler is already in place).  It is not 
	  necessary to run SPLAST before using SPOOL (which you snatched up 
	  and saved the first time you ran SPLAST) or creating pqueue.tmp on 
	  your own; the next time SPLAST is run the enqueued files will be 


	  This spooler can only be used with versions of the ETERNAL
	  (reset survivable) ramdisk.  If the ramdisk is not in place when
	  SPLAST is run, a message indicating such will be displayed and
	  SPLAST will not attempt to install itself.


	  This spooler uses about 9k of RAM.  It can be removed only
	  by means of a reset (which does not affect your valuable data
	  in the ramdisk).  No other RAM space is used by the spooler outside
	  of the ramdisk.  If the queue is empty, only about a dozen
	  print spool instructions are executed every 1/50 th of a second.

What it doesn't do but should:

	  Although I have trap 13 calls to the printer, for some reason
	  the printing of characters is jumbled if the spooler is printing
	  a file while the user attempts an ordinary print.  I do not know
	  why this happens.


	  The code below should be interesting to the novice who wishes to
	  learn more about the ST but is unable to do so because of 
	  a dirth of documentation.  For example, the code shows precisely
	  the sequence of instructions required to send a single character
	  to the printer port (about 25-30 instructions), and where the
	  command line arguments are to be found (whoops...you need to
	  disassemble SPOOL.TTP to find that out).


	  I consider myself to be a novice when it comes to computer internals
	  and assembly language.  I make no claims about how great the code
	  below is.  In fact, it is probably true that some people will vomit
	  when they see it.  Sorry.  However, I have taken some pains to
	  document the code thoroughly so it should not be too hard to change
	  if you wish.

Copyright information:

	  I really don't care what you do with this piece of code.  Just
	  don't tell them I sent you.

						John Franco
						Bloomington, Indiana
						October 23, 1987


Call the program below SPLAST.ASM and assemble with GST assembler.
To assemble with the Atari assembler change SECTION CODE to .text,
END to .end, and all dc & ds to .dc & .ds (and change the name to splast.s).

*									     *
*		SPLAST - a print spooler for the Atari ST		     *
*									     *
*	Requires: An ETERNAL ramdisk (code may be modified for others)	     *
*									     *
*	Installation: Run splast.prg (spool.ttp is created in ramdisk)	     *
*		      Do not put splast.prg in the auto folder - use         *
*	              startgem.prg to install splast at bootup.	  	     *
*									     *
*	Copyright: none - do whatever you want with it or to it.	     *
*									     *
*	Disclaimer: Use at your own risk.  I am not responsible for any	     *
*		    damage resulting from the use of this program.	     *
*									     *
*						John Franco	     	     *
*						Bloomington, Indiana 	     *
*									     *


	bra	begin

*									     *
*           This section is entered during event_timer interrupts            *
*									     *


	movem.l	d0-d7/a0-a7,-(sp)
	move.w	sr,-(sp)
	ori.w	#$700,sr

	clr.l	d0
	cmpi.l	#$0,tfile	; if 1st 4 bytes at tfile are 0 then no
	beq	more		; existing work so check for more.  Otherwise
	cmpi.l	#$0,byteso	; if no more bytes to send
	ble	newbuf		; then refill buffer (goto newbuf).  Otherwise,

cont:	move.w	#$6,d5		; Loop 6 times max trying to print 2 chars
V1:	move.l	bufptr,a6	; print a character of text
	move.b	(a6)+,d4
	bsr	put
	tst.l	d0		; If no character was sent then forget it
	blt	out6		; and try again.  Otherwise,

	subq.l	#$1,byteso	; subtract one from byteso,
	subq.l	#$1,fsize	; subtract one from file size
	move.l	a6,bufptr	; update buffer pointer
	cmpi.l	#$0,byteso	; If the buffer is empty
	ble	out		; then break out of the loop

out6:	tst.w	d5		; Otherwise, try again
	dbeq	d5,V1		; 
	bra	out

newbuf:	move.l	clust,d0	
	cmpi.l	#$FF0,d0	; If this cluster is illegal or the last one
	bge	nextf		; then get next file.  Otherwise,

	move.l	d0,d3
	bsr	nextcl		; compute the next cluster to get.
	cmpi.w	#$1,d0		; If next cluster is 1 or 0 then
	ble	nextf		; get next file, if any.  Otherwise,

	move.l	d0,clust	; save next cluster and
	move.l	d3,d0
	bsr	trans		; transfer 1k to buffer from cluster in d0
	move.l	#$400,byteso	; If more than 1k left to transfer 
	cmpi.l	#$400,fsize	; then set byteso to 1k otherwise
	bgt	full
	move.l	fsize,byteso	; set byteso to number of bytes left 
full:	move.l	#buffer,bufptr	; Set  bufptr.

	bra	out

more:	move.l	$42E,a0		; Check if we think that pqueue.tmp exists.
	move.b	-(a0),d0
	move.b	d0,d1
	andi.l	#$2,d0
	tst.w	d0
	beq	out		; If we don't think so then leave.
	andi.l	#$1,d1
	tst.w	d1
	bne	out

	move.l	#tlext,a0	; Open pqueue.tmp
	bsr	findf
	move.l	a0,qfadd	; file descriptor address
	move.l	d1,qclus	; cluster start
	move.l	size,qsize	; size of pqueue.tmp (bytes)

	tst.w	d0		; If it does not exist then leave 
	bmi	non		; Otherwise,

	cmpi.l	#$4,qsize	; if the number of bytes in queue.tmp is less 
	bmi	erasp		; than 4 then erase pqueue.tmp.  Otherwise,

	move.l	qclus,d0	; pqueue.tmp cluster number is parameter
	bsr	compcl		; compute pqueue.tmp cluster address (a0)
	move.l	#tfile,a1	; a1 has the address of the tfile_name buffer
	move.l	#$B,d1		; set up loop to transfer 12 bytes
B1:	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+	; Transfer bytes
	tst.l	d1
	dbeq	d1,B1

	move.b	#$0,(a1)+	; straighten up tfile so it terminates with 0
	move.b	#$0,(a1)+

	move.l	#tfile,a0	; locate the tfile
	bsr	findf
	tst.w	d0		; If the file specified has some problem
	bmi	nextf		; then branch to error.  Otherwise,

	move.l	a0,descrp	; save the file descriptor address,
	move.l	d1,clust	; save the first cluster location, and
	move.l	size,fsize	; save file size.
	bra	out		; Branch to out (with the file name in tfile).

nextf:	move.l	#$C,d4		; Form feed.
	bsr	put

	move.l	#pfile,-(sp)	; Delete the text file.
	move.w	#$41,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#6,sp

	move.l	#tfile,a0	; Zero out the tfile field.
	move.l	#$0,(a0)

	move.l	$42E,a0		; Check if we think that pqueue.tmp exists.
	move.b	-(a0),d0
	move.b	d0,d1
	andi.l	#$2,d0
	tst.w	d0
	beq	out		; If we don't think so then leave.
	andi.l	#$1,d1
	tst.w	d1
	bne	out		; leave if it is

	move.l	#tlext,a0	; Open pqueue.tmp
	bsr	findf
	move.l	a0,qfadd	; file descriptor address
	move.l	d1,qclus	; cluster start
	move.l	size,qsize	; size of pqueue.tmp (bytes)

	tst.w	d0		; If pqueue.tmp does not exist
	bmi	non		; then leave.
	move.l	qsize,d2	; Set up to remove first record.
	sub.l	#$E,d2		; d1 has the number of bytes to transfer.
	cmpi.l	#$4,d2		; If print queue file is empty then 
	bmi	erasp		; branch to cleanup routine.  Otherwise,

	move.l	d2,qsize	; Remove first record of pqueue.tmp:
	sub.l	#$1,d2
	move.l	qclus,d0	; pqueue.tmp cluster number is parameter
	bsr	compcl		; compute pqueue.tmp cluster address (a0)
	movea.l	a0,a1		; a0 points to the beginning of pqueue.tmp
	add.l	#$E,a1		; a1 points to beginning of 2nd record
B2:	move.b	(a1)+,(a0)+	; Move bytes.
	tst.l	d2
	dbeq	d2,B2		; Result: erase first record in pqueue.tmp

	movea.l	#qsize,a1	; Record new size for file pqueue.tmp.
	movea.l	qfadd,a0	; a1 points to pqueue.tmp size field.
	add.l	#32,a0		; a0 points to end of pqueue.tmp descriptor.
	move.b	(a1)+,-(a0)
	move.b	(a1)+,-(a0)
	move.b	(a1)+,-(a0)
	move.b	(a1)+,-(a0)

	move.l	$42E,a0
	move.b	-(a0),d0	; record the fact that pqueue.tmp exists
	ori.b	#$2,d0
	move.b	d0,(a0)
	bra	out		; and leave.

erasp:	move.l	#qfile,-(sp)	; delete the print queue file.
	move.w	#$41,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#$6,sp

non:	move.l	$42E,a0
	move.b	-(a0),d0	; Record the fact that pqueue.tmp is gone.
	move.b	#$4,d0
	move.b	d0,(a0)

	move.w	(sp)+,sr
	movem.l	(sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a7

	move.l	event,a3	; load event_timer vector
	jmp	(a3)		; jump to event_timer handler

*									      *
*    This section is entered on trap 13 calls (to handle bconout and stat)    *
*									      *

trap:	move.w	sr,-(sp)
	ori.w	#$700,sr

	move.l	#stack,stack
	move.l	a0,tmpa0
	movea.l	stack,a0
	move.l	tmpa0,-(a0)
	move.l	d0,-(a0)
	move.w	(a7),d0
	move.w	(a7)+,-(a0)
	move.l	(a7)+,-(a0)
	movem.l	d1-d7/a1-a7,-(a0)
	move.l	a0,stack

	btst	#$D,d0		; Check if supervisor mode
	bne	hit		; if so continue
	move.l	usp,a7		; Otherwise make user stack

hit:	move.w	(a7),d0		; The function number is in d0
	cmp.w	#$3,d0		; If the function is not bconstat 
	bne	hit1		; then continue checking for bconout
	tst.w	$2(a7)
	bne	out2		; If the device is not printer, continue
	move.l	$42E,a0		; Otherwise,
	move.b	-(a0),d3
	move.b	d3,d4
	andi.l	#$2,d3
	tst.w	d3		; if pqueue.tmp exists
	bne	out3		; then return from exception
	andi.l	#$1,d4		; if pqueue.tmp busy
	tst.w	d4
	bne	out3		; then return from exception
	bra	out2		; Otherwise continue with trap

hit1:	cmp.w	#$8,d0		; If the function is not bconout 
	bne	out2		; then continue with trap
	tst.w	$2(a7)
	bne	out2		; If the device is not printer, continue
	move.l	$42E,a0		; Otherwise
	move.b	-(a0),d3
	move.b	d3,d4
	andi.l	#$2,d3
	tst.w	d3		; if pqueue.tmp exists
	bne	out3		; then return from exception
	andi.l	#$1,d4
	tst.w	d4		; if pqueue.tmp is busy
	bne	out3		; then return from exception
	bra	out2		; Otherwise continue with trap

out2:	movea.l	stack,a0
	movem.l	(a0)+,d1-d7/a1-a7
	move.l	(a0)+,-(a7)
	move.w	(a0)+,-(a7)
	move.l	(a0)+,d0
	move.l	(a0)+,a0
	move.w	(sp)+,sr
	movea.l	trapv,a0
	jmp	(a0)

out3:	movea.l	stack,a0
	movem.l	(a0)+,d1-d7/a1-a7
	move.l	(a0)+,-(a7)
	move.w	(a0)+,-(a7)
	move.l	(a0)+,d0
	move.l	(a0)+,a0
	move.w	(sp)+,sr
	move.l	#$0,d0
*									      *
*	Routine to write a character to the centronics port.  The character   *
*	is placed in d4.  Only d0, d4 and a0 are affected by this call.       *
*       Returns immediately if the centronics port is busy (character not     *
*       printed).							      *
*									      *
*	Input:	d4 - character to print					      *
*									      *
*	Output: d0 - -1 if the character is not printed			      *
*									      *
*	Modifies:	d0,d4,a0					      *
*									      *

put:	move.w	sr,-(sp)	; disable interrupts
	ori.w	#$700,sr
	move.l	#-$1,d0		; default status is fail 

	move.l	#$FFFFA01,a0
	btst.b	#$0,0(a0)
	bne	nope

	move.l	#$FFFF8800,a0	; sound chip register address

	move.b	#$7,(a0)	; select register 7 
	clr.l	d0
	move.b	(a0),d0		; read status byte to d0
	ori.b	#$80,d0		; 8th bit set to high (write to centronics)

	move.b	#$7,(a0)	; select register 7
	move.b	d0,2(a0)	; write new status byte to sound chip

	move.b	#$F,(a0)	; select register 15 (B port)
	move.b	d4,2(a0)	; write character to address

	move.b	#$E,(a0)	; read register 14
	clr.l	d0
	move.b	(a0),d0
	andi.b	#$DF,d0		; set strobe bit to low
	move.b	#$E,(a0)	; write to register 14 (setting strobe low)
	move.b	d0,2(a0)

	move.b	#$E,(a0)	; read register 14
	clr.l	d0
	move.b	(a0),d0
	ori.b	#$20,d0		; set strobe bit to high
	move.b	#$E,(a0)	; write to register 14
	move.b	d0,2(a0)

	move.l	#$0,d0		; status set to succeed

nope:	move.w	(sp)+,sr	; enable interrupts


*									      *
*	Compute the absolute address of a ramdisk cluster		      *
*									      *
*	Input:	d0 - the cluster number					      *
*									      *
*	Output:	a0 - the cluster absolute address			      *
*									      *

compcl:	move.l	d0,d1
	sub.l	#2,d1
	lsl.l	#$8,d1
	lsl.l	#$2,d1
	add.l	datast,d1	; Cluster Address = (d0-2)*1024 + data_start
	movea.l	d1,a0


*									      *
*	Transfer data from a cluster on RD to the text buffer		      *
*									      *
*	Input:	d0 - cluster number to transfer				      *
*									      *
*	Output:	none							      *
*									      *

trans:	cmpi.l	#$FF0,d0	; if cluster number is greater than $FF0 then
	bge	M1		; we are finished 

	bsr	compcl		; compute cluster absolute address (a0)

	move.w	#$1F,d1		; transfer 1024 bytes quickly (assume even
	move.l	#buffer,a1	; address boundary)
M2:	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	move.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
	tst.w	d1
	dbeq	d1,M2
M1:	rts

*									      *
*	Compute the next cluster in a chain of FAT entries		      *
*									      *
*	Input:	d0 - Current cluster number				      *
*									      *
*	Output:	d0 - Contains the next cluster in the chain		      *
*									      *
*	Uses:	fatst - the absolute address of the start of the ramdisk FAT  *
*									      *
*	Modifies:	d0,d1,a0					      *
*									      *

nextcl:	move.l	fatst,a0
	btst	#$0,d0		; if d0 is even
	beq	even		; then branch

odd:	move.l	d0,d1
	lsl.l	#$1,d1
	add.l	d1,d0		; d0 is multiplied by 3
	lsr.l	#$1,d0		; d0 is divided by 2
	add.l	d0,a0		; a0 has absolute address of low cluster byte
	move.b	(a0)+,d0	; d0 has next cluster low byte
	lsr.l	#$4,d0		; first 4 bits of d0 contain low 4 bits of clus
	andi.l	#$F,d0		; mask out anything else
	move.b	(a0),d1		; d1 has next cluster high byte
	lsl.l	#$4,d1		; move it left by 4 bits
	or.l	d1,d0		; combine high and low bytes into d0
	andi.l	#$FFF,d0	; get rid of any junk


even:	move.l	d0,d1
	lsl.l	#$1,d1
	add.l	d1,d0		; d0 is multiplied by 3
	lsr.l	#$1,d0		; d0 is divided by 2
	add.l	d0,a0		; a0 has absolute address of low cluster byte
	move.b	(a0)+,d0	; d0 has next cluster low byte
	andi.l	#$FF,d0		; mask out anything else
	move.b	(a0),d1		; d1 has next cluster high byte
	lsl.l	#$8,d1		; move it left by 8 bits
	or.l	d1,d0		; combine high and low bytes into d0
	andi.l	#$FFF,d0	; get rid of any junk


*									      *
*	Find a file in the ramdisk root directory, get address and info       *
*									      *
*	Inputs: a0 - name of file to compare against			      *
*									      *
*	Output:	d0 - -1 if file not found, otherwise meaningless	      *
*		d1 - cluster number of first cluster of file		      *
*		a0 - start (ram) address of file description in directory     *
*		size - long word memory location with file size		      *
*									      *
*	Uses:	rootst - absolute address of start of root directory	      *
*		size   - see above					      *
*									      *
*	Modifies:	d0,d1,d2,a1,a2,a3,a4				      *
*									      *

findf:	move.l	#$6F,d0		; repeat the follwing $DF times (max number)
	move.l	rootst,a2	; (once for each possible file descriptor)

L1:	move.l	a2,a1		; let a1 have rootst and a4 have filename
	move.l	a0,a4		; repeat the following (once for each 
	move.w	#$7,d1		; character in filename)

L2:	cmp.b	(a1)+,(a4)+	; compare characters of filename with descript
	bne	O1		; if some character is not equal, try another
	tst.w	d1		; descriptor
	dbeq	d1,L2
	move.l	a2,a0		; if all characters matched then file found
	add.l	#26,a2		; so locate the first cluster bytes 
	move.b	(a2)+,d1	; and save them in d1
	move.b	(a2)+,d2
	lsl.l	#$8,d2
	or.l	d2,d1
	andi.l	#$FFFF,d1
	move.l	#size,a3
	addq.l	#$4,a2
	move.b	-(a2),(a3)+	; locate file size and save in d0
	move.b	-(a2),(a3)+
	move.b	-(a2),(a3)+
	move.b	-(a2),(a3)+
O1:	add.l	#$20,a2		; 32 bytes is a descriptor length
	tst.w	d0		; if we have not considered all descriptors
	dbeq	d0,L1		; then go back and consider the next one
	move.l	#-1,d0		; otherwise return code for failure

*									      *
*   Data area.  Meanings are as follows:				      *
*									      *
*   trapv:  - new trap 13 vector					      *
*   supsav: - save the system stack pointer when entering SUPER mode here.    *
*   tmpa0:  - temporary save area for a0 in trap 13 routine		      *
*   bufptr: - pointer to the buffer area				      *
*   byteso: - number of bytes in buffer left to transmit to printer.	      *
*   size:   - save file size here (no. bytes) when using findf subroutine     *
*   fsize:  - size gets moved here after finding a text file		      *
*   qsize:  - size gets moved here after finding pqueue.tmp		      *
*   descrp: - absolute address of text file root directory descriptor         *
*   clust:  - current cluster number being transfered			      *
*   qclus:  - cluster in which pqueue.tmp currently is			      *
*   qfadd:  - absolute address of pqueue.tmp root directory descriptor	      *
*   rootst: - absolute address of start of root directory of ramdisk	      *
*   fatst:  - absloute address of start of FAT of ramdisk		      *
*   datast: - absolute address of start of data area in ramdisk		      *
*   event:  - new event_timer vector					      *
*   buffer: - file transfer buffer for creating temporary files.              *
*   empty:  - curently unused						      *
*   pfile:  - space for *.prt file being printed			      *
*   tfile:  - same as above except drive descriptor is missing		      *
*   tlname: - name of the file containing the print queue.		      *
*   tlext:  - same as above except drive descriptor is missing		      *
*   qfile:  - another way to write 'pqueue.tmp' 			      *
*   reserv: - boundary of a local stack needed below			      *
*									      *

trapv:	ds.l	$1
supsav:	ds.l	$1
tmpa0:	ds.l	$1
bufptr:	ds.l	$1
byteso:	ds.l	$1
size:	ds.l	$1
fsize:	ds.l	$1
qsize:	ds.l	$1
descrp:	ds.l	$1
clust:	ds.l	$1
qclus:	ds.l	$1
qfadd:	ds.l	$1
rootst:	ds.l	$1
fatst:	ds.l	$1
datast:	ds.l	$1
event:	ds.l	$1
quhand:	ds.w	$1
buffer:	ds.b	$402

empty:	dc.w	0
pfile:	dc.b	'm:'
tfile:	dc.b	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tlname:	dc.b	'm:'
tlext:	dc.b	'PQUEUE  .TMP',0
qfile:	dc.b	'm:pqueue.tmp',0
qufil:	dc.b	'm:spool.ttp',0
text:	dc.b	'Spooler already installed',$D,$A,0
text1:	dc.b	'ETERNAL Ramdisk cannot be found',$D,$A,0
ccsp:	dc.b	'Cannot create SPOOL.PRG',$D,$A,0
cwsp:	dc.b	'Cannot write SPOOL.PRG',$D,$A,0,0

reserv:	ds.l	$400
stack:	ds.l	$1

*									     *
*   This section installs the spooler and sets up some spooler parameters.   *
*   The program 'queue.prg' is written to the ramdisk.                       *
*									     *

begin:	clr.l	-(sp)		; switch to supervisor mode
	move.w	#$20,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#$6,sp

	move.l	d0,supsav	; save old stack pointer

	move.l	$42E,a0		
	move.w	(a0),d0
	cmpi.w	#$200,d0
	beq	etern		; If the eternal ramdisk is there then continue

	move.l	#text1,d0	; otherwise display message
	bsr	up
	bra	quit		; and leave.

etern:	move.b	-(a0),d0	 
	andi.l	#$4,d0
	tst.w	d0
	beq	all		; If spooler does not exist then continue

	move.b	#$6,d0		; set 'pqueue.tmp exists' bit
	move.b	d0,(a0)		; display message
	move.l	#text,d0
	bsr	up	
	bra	quit		; and leave

all:	movea.l	sp,a5		; COMPUTE LENGTH OF PROGRAM
	movea.l	$4(a5),a5	; address is $100 bytes below base page
	move.l	$C(a5),d0	; length of program area
	add.l	$14(a5),d0	; add length of initialized data area
	add.l	$1C(a5),d0	; add length of uninitialized data area
	add.l	#$500,d0	; reserve base page space
	move.l	d0,d1		; length of reserved area in d1 and d0

	add.l	a5,d1		; $100 bytes below b.p. + program length
	and.l	#$FFFFFFFE,d1	; even out address
	movea.l	d1,sp		; stack begins at top of program
	move.l	d0,d6		; save for later

	move.l	d0,-(sp)	; length
	move.l	a5,-(sp)	; start of area to reserve
	clr.w	-(sp)
	move.w	#$4A,-(sp)	; SETBLOCK
	trap	#1
	add.l	#$C,sp

	move.l	#$0,bufptr
	move.l	#$0,byteso	; initialize number of bytes left to zero

	move.l	$42E,a0		; 
	move.l	a0,a1		;
	add.l	#$6,a1		;
	clr.l	d0
	clr.l	d1
	clr.l	d2
	clr.l	d3
	move.w	(a1)+,d0	; d0 has root directory length in sectors
	move.w	(a1)+,d1	; d1 has fat length in sectors
	move.w	(a1)+,d2	; d2 has fat start (sector number)
	move.w	(a1)+,d3	; d3 has data area start (sector number)
	add.l	#$200,a0	; add 512 byte displacement to beginning of RD
	move.l	a0,a1		;
	lsl.l	#$8,d2		; d2 has fat start in bytes from RD beginning
	lsl.l	#$1,d2		; d2 has fat start in bytes from RD beginning
	add.l	d2,a0		; address of fat in a0
	move.l	a0,fatst	; fatst has address of fat start
	lsl.l	#$8,d1		; d1 has length of fat in bytes
	lsl.l	#$1,d1		; d1 has length of fat in bytes
	add.l	d1,a0		; a0 has root directory start in bytes from RD
	move.l	a0,rootst	; rootst has start address of root dirctory
	lsl.l	#$8,d3
	lsl.l	#$1,d3
	add.l	d3,a1
	move.l	a1,datast	; datast has start address of data area
	suba.l	a5,a5
	move.l	$400(a5),event	; save event_timer vector
	move.l	#start,$400(a5) ; set new event_timer vector
	move.l	$42E,a0

	movea.l	a0,a1
	add.l	#21,a1
	move.b	(a1),d0
	add.b	#$41,d0
	move.b	d0,pfile	; set ramdisk drive id
	move.b	d0,tlname	; set ramdisk drive id
	move.b	d0,qfile	; set ramdisk drive id
	move.b	d0,qufil	; set ramdisk drive id

	move.b	#$6,d0		; set "pqueue exists" bit
*				; set "pqueue.tmp not busy"
	move.b	d0,-(a0)	; set "spooler already there"
	move.l	$B4(a5),trapv	; save trap 13 vector
	move.l	#trap,$B4(a5)	; set new trap 13 vector

	move.w	#$0,-(sp)	; create file spool.ttp
	move.l	#qufil,-(sp)
	move.w	#$3C,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#$8,sp

	tst.w	d0
	bge	N7

	move.l	#ccsp,d0
	bsr	up
	bra	quit

N7:	move.w	d0,quhand

	move.l	#pend,d0
	sub.l	#pbeg,d0	; d0 contains the bytes to move to spool.ttp

	move.l	#pbeg,-(sp)	; write to file spool.ttp
	move.l	d0,-(sp)
	move.w	quhand,-(sp)
	move.w	#$40,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	add.l	#$C,sp

	tst.w	d0
	bge	N8

	move.l	#cwsp,d0
	bsr	up
	bra	quit

N8:	move.l	supsav,-(sp)	; leave supervisor mode
	move.w	#$20,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#$6,sp

	move.l	d6,-(sp)	; terminate with program resident
	move.w	#$31,-(sp)
	trap	#1

quit:	move.l	supsav,-(sp)	; leave supervisor mode
	move.w	#$20,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#$6,sp

	clr.l	-(sp)		; If spooler there already then get out
	trap	#1

up:	move.l	d0,-(sp)
	move.w	#$9,-(sp)
	trap	#1
	addq.l	#6,sp

	dc.w	$601A,$0000,$0424,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
	dc.w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$203C,$0000
	dc.w	$035D,$90BC,$0000,$0000,$D0BC,$0000,$0500,$2A6F
	dc.w	$0004,$2F00,$2F0D,$3F3C,$0000,$3F3C,$004A,$4E41
	dc.w	$DFFC,$0000,$000C,$13FC,$0030,$0000,$0308,$42A7
	dc.w	$3F3C,$0020,$4E41,$5C8F,$23C0,$0000,$02FA,$2078
	dc.w	$042E,$2248,$D3FC,$0000,$0015,$1011,$D03C,$0041
	dc.w	$13C0,$0000,$0350,$13C0,$0000,$0340,$1020,$13C0
	dc.w	$0000,$033A,$08C0,$0000,$1080,$2F39,$0000,$02FA
	dc.w	$3F3C,$0020,$4E41,$5C8F,$2F3C,$0000,$4000,$3F3C
	dc.w	$0048,$4E41,$5C8F,$4A80,$6C00,$0010,$203C,$0000
	dc.w	$039D,$6100,$0252,$6000,$020C,$23C0,$0000,$02F6
	dc.w	$2055,$D1FC,$0000,$0081,$227C,$0000,$030A,$12D8
	dc.w	$0C10,$0020,$6EF8,$12BC,$0000,$3F3C,$0002,$2F3C
	dc.w	$0000,$030A,$3F3C,$003D,$4E41,$508F,$4A40,$6E00
	dc.w	$0010,$203C,$0000,$0365,$6100,$020C,$6000,$01C6
	dc.w	$33C0,$0000,$02FE,$3F3C,$0002,$2F3C,$0000,$0340
	dc.w	$3F3C,$003D,$4E41,$508F,$4A40,$6B00,$000A,$5239
	dc.w	$0000,$0342,$60E0,$3F3C,$0000,$2F3C,$0000,$0340
	dc.w	$3F3C,$003C,$4E41,$508F,$4A40,$6C00,$0010,$203C
	dc.w	$0000,$037D,$6100,$01C0,$6000,$016C,$33C0,$0000
	dc.w	$0300,$2F39,$0000,$02F6,$2F3C,$0000,$3F00,$3F39
	dc.w	$0000,$02FE,$3F3C,$003F,$4E41,$DFFC,$0000,$000C
	dc.w	$4A80,$6C00,$0010,$203C,$0000,$03B2,$6100,$0188
	dc.w	$6000,$0126,$6700,$003C,$23C0,$0000,$0304,$2F39
	dc.w	$0000,$02F6,$2F39,$0000,$0304,$3F39,$0000,$0300
	dc.w	$3F3C,$0040,$4E41,$DFFC,$0000,$000C,$4A80,$6C00
	dc.w	$0010,$203C,$0000,$03CC,$6100,$014C,$6000,$00EA
	dc.w	$6090,$3F3C,$0002,$2F3C,$0000,$0350,$3F3C,$003D
	dc.w	$4E41,$508F,$4A40,$6C00,$0038,$3F3C,$0000,$2F3C
	dc.w	$0000,$0350,$3F3C,$003C,$4E41,$508F,$4A40,$6E00
	dc.w	$0020,$1039,$0000,$033A,$0880,$0001,$13C0,$0000
	dc.w	$033A,$203C,$0000,$03EC,$6100,$00FC,$6000,$009A
	dc.w	$33C0,$0000,$0302,$1039,$0000,$033A,$08C0,$0001
	dc.w	$13C0,$0000,$033A,$3F3C,$0002,$3F39,$0000,$0302
	dc.w	$2F3C,$0000,$0000,$3F3C,$0042,$4E41,$DFFC,$0000
	dc.w	$000A,$207C,$0000,$0342,$D1FC,$0000,$000C,$10FC
	dc.w	$000D,$10BC,$000A,$2F3C,$0000,$0342,$2F3C,$0000
	dc.w	$000E,$3F39,$0000,$0302,$3F3C,$0040,$4E41,$DFFC
	dc.w	$0000,$000C,$4A40,$6C00,$0010,$203C,$0000,$0407
	dc.w	$6100,$0084,$6000,$0022,$3F39,$0000,$0302,$3F3C
	dc.w	$003E,$4E41,$588F,$3F39,$0000,$0300,$3F3C,$003E
	dc.w	$4E41,$588F,$6000,$0010,$2F3C,$0000,$0340,$3F3C
	dc.w	$0041,$4E41,$5C8F,$3F39,$0000,$02FE,$3F3C,$003E
	dc.w	$4E41,$588F,$42A7,$3F3C,$0020,$4E41,$5C8F,$23C0
	dc.w	$0000,$02FA,$1039,$0000,$033A,$0880,$0000,$2078
	dc.w	$042E,$1220,$1080,$2F39,$0000,$02FA,$3F3C,$0020
	dc.w	$4E41,$5C8F,$2F39,$0000,$02F6,$3F3C,$0049,$4E41
	dc.w	$5C8F,$42A7,$4E41,$2F00,$3F3C,$0009,$4E41,$5C8F
	dc.w	$4E75,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
	dc.w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
	dc.w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
	dc.w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
	dc.w	$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$6D3A,$4158
	dc.w	$5858,$5854,$4D50,$2E50,$5254,$0000,$6D3A,$7071
	dc.w	$7565,$7565,$2E74,$6D70,$000D,$0A50,$5254,$3E20
	dc.w	$0053,$6F75,$7263,$6520,$6669,$6C65,$206E,$6F74
	dc.w	$2066,$6F75,$6E64,$0D0A,$0043,$6F75,$6C64,$206E
	dc.w	$6F74,$2063,$7265,$6174,$6520,$3F58,$5858,$5854
	dc.w	$4D50,$2E50,$5254,$0D0A,$004F,$7574,$206F,$6620
	dc.w	$4D61,$696E,$204D,$656D,$6F72,$790D,$0A00,$4361
	dc.w	$6E6E,$6F74,$2072,$6561,$6420,$736F,$7572,$6365
	dc.w	$2066,$696C,$650D,$0A00,$4361,$6E6E,$6F74,$2077
	dc.w	$7269,$7465,$2064,$6573,$7469,$6E61,$7469,$6F6E
	dc.w	$2066,$696C,$650D,$0A00,$4361,$6E6E,$6F74,$2063
	dc.w	$7265,$6174,$6520,$5051,$5545,$5545,$2E54,$4D50
	dc.w	$0D0A,$0043,$616E,$6E6F,$7420,$7772,$6974,$6520
	dc.w	$746F,$2050,$5155,$4555,$452E,$544D,$500D,$0A00
	dc.w	$0000,$0002,$0626,$1018,$0608,$0C22,$0E0E,$1614
	dc.w	$0E0A,$140C,$140E,$060C,$1812,$0606,$0618,$1418
	dc.w	$140A,$060E,$060A,$0A18,$140C,$180E,$0E12,$0E18
	dc.w	$0612,$0E00,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
pend:	dc.w	$0000

*put1:	move.w	d4,-(sp)	; This section displays a character in d4     *
*	move.w	#$2,-(sp)	; ( low byte ).  Used for testing only.	      *
*	move.w	#$3,-(sp)						      *
*	trap	#13							      *
*	addq.l	#$6,sp							      *
*									      *
*	rts								      *