[comp.sys.atari.st] Terminal emulation on ST - reply to FIELDUS@UTORPHYS.BITNET


< reply to query by fieldus@utorphys.bitnet in INFO-ATARI16, regarding
    Terminal emulation on ST >

I've seen about 30 1040's put into service as terminals over the last year or
so. They seem to hold up at least as well as conventional terminals and the
keyboards may even be considerably superior... no sticky or bouncing keys, with
some units in service for over 2 years.

For terminal emulation, the users here seem to be evenly split between Uniterm
( public domain ) and Ansigraf ( by Grafikon, under $60 after discounts )  Both
provide very good VT102/ANSI terminal emulation, Tektronix 4010/4014 emulation,
with Kermit and Xmodem file transfer in addition to text capture. Both programs
seem to work well with VMS or UNIX text editors, including those which support
larger screen formats.

The ST uses the MS-DOS file system on its disks, and can read and write
720k IBM 3 1/2 inch disks.  A least two vendors ( I.B. and Paradox ) sell
compatible 5 1/4 inch drives.

 Hope this information helps.                    KREYMER@FNAL.BITNET