[comp.sys.atari.st] ST's and PC ditto

john1233@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Thomas M Johnson) (10/29/87)

Well, UW-Milwaukee has become the official advertiser of IBM by requireing
all Engineering students to buy an IBM or 100% compatible machine.

I am a long time 8-bit atari user and was thinking about getting a ST.
But now I have to do some thinking.

Just how compatible is PC Ditto?  Does it work on the Mega-ST's?
Where can you get a 5 1/4" drive to use on the ST or Mega. How much 
slower does PC Ditto run on a ST than a program takes on a 

Could someone please fill me in on this product. I need to know everything!

The ST's I am looking at are a 1040 or (if the money supply hold up) a 
Mega ST.

		  Thanks in advance,
