First: The comments on the net about Supra hard disks have been mostly positive. I may get one in the near future. Anything better available right now? We called ICD about their new line for the ST and they haven't completed FCC approval yet, so they aren't shipping. I was looking through magazines for a detailed review of Supra, and could only find information on their old 10 meg disk. As I understand it the current models allow additional HDs to be plugged in to the first. What sort of connection is it: a DMA port passthru, true SCSI, or a HD controller output? And who is a responsible mail order distributor (preferably west coast) for Supra? We may see about the BMS board for some of the STs here, but for my own use I suspect the hassle of tracking down and hooking up compatible HD + power supply isn't worth the cost savings. Second: Several months back, we called the people who sent out the flyer on ST Idris and they were maybe-sorta-almost ready to ship. I presume that they are in fact shipping now. How's it look? We are using Idris on another 68000 system, and it is fairly useable, though we don't have the latest version. We haven't upgraded because they want more than $1000 for the upgrade (!!??). I hope prices are more reasonable on the ST line. If there are any ST Idris users out there who feel like talking, I'd like to discuss it...particularly if you've used the other varieties of Idris. Thanks, Don Rice FXDDR@ALASKA.bitnet