[comp.sys.atari.st] blkcpy

daemon@stag.UUCP (11/23/87)

ARGH!!  Sure enough, the best way to find bugs in a piece of code is to
release it to the public.  There is a minor bug in the blkcpy() function
that I just posted, so here is the corrected version... sorry...

*	char *blkcpy(dest, source, len)
*	register char *dest;
*	register char *source;
*	register int len;
*	/*
*	 *	Copies the <source> block to the <dest>.  <len> bytes are
*	 *	always copied.  No terminator is added to <dest>.  A pointer
*	 *	to <dest> is returned.
*	 */
*		{
*		register char *p = dest;
*		if(source < dest)
*			{
*			dest += len;
*			source += len;
*			while(len--)
*				*--dest = *--source;
*			}
*		else
*			{
*			while(len--)
*				*dest++ = *source++;
*			}
*		return(p);
*		}

.globl _blkcpy
	clr.l	d0
	move.w	12(a7),d0	; number of bytes
	move.l	4(a7),a1	; destination
	move.l	8(a7),a0	; source
	cmp.l	a0,a1		; check copy direction
	bls	blkcpy4
	add.l	d0,a0		; move pointers to end
	add.l	d0,a1
	bra	blkcpy2
	move.b	-(a0),-(a1)	; (s < d) copy loop
	dbra	d0,blkcpy1
	bra	blkcpy5
	move.b	(a0)+,(a1)+	; (s >= d) copy loop
	dbra	d0,blkcpy3
	move.l	4(a7),d0	; return destination pointer

                Dale Schumacher
                (alias: Dalnefre')