[comp.sys.atari.st] general info on disk drives wanted

engst@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Adam C. Engst) (12/16/87)

In light of my recent disk drive failure, (which seemed to go away briefly
and has since returned), I'm looking for a second drive or hard drive so I'm
not so dependent on the internal drive.  (I had to write a 15 page paper on
a Mac and nearly lost it twice.  My next paper is being written on an AT,
since I trust WordPerfect 4.2 a bit more than anything within ten feet of a
Mac.)  Does anyone have any experience with the Astra Hard drive/floppy
combo?  It seemed like a good setup and was reported as being very durable.
Alternately, how easy/economical is it to put together a system from various
parts (ie buy a drive and a controller and power supply and stick 'em all
together)?  Are any other hard drives especially recommended?  I personally
think the Atari hard drive is too big, but I haven't heard any reports on
price comparisons or reliability.  If enough people respond via e-mail, I'll
post a summary to the net. Remember, there is nothing worse than being
forced to use other computers because the ST failed.  So please, send
information to me.  Thanks a lot!
Adam Engst
