(Pavneet Arora) (12/31/87)
I saw a demonstration of EasyDraw recently, the version # of which I don't know. I have a few peeves about the package which prevent me from purchasing it. Since I do need an object oriented drawing package I wanted to confirm that my objections are legitimate. If they are, and if EasyDraw is listening then please take them as suggestions. 1. Text cannot be rotated. ( FATAL if you want to draw rough graphs ). The closest you can get is something like: R o t a t e. Not too useful if you are considering drawing architectural plans which require sideways printing for a better fit. 2. Exiting will always request if you want to save your file even if you have made no changes since the last save. 3. You have to explicitly select an object and then click again to move it. A single click should suffice the way it does with copying files etc. 4. The default for text should be justify off. I usually use text as labels and can't see why justify should be on. I also forgot most of the time to change justification when entering text so that I had to go and change text attributes - a real nuisance. Some of the features I wish had been adopted from MacDraw: 5. A cubic spline fit (called SMOOTH and UNSMOOTH in MacDraw). A really useful feature when one wants to draw gaussians and sine waves etc. the way I needed to for my thesis. 6. The ability of picking a larger than one page size for the drawing and then having EasyDraw print it out serially page wise. This allows more complex drawings to be mosaiced easily. Has anyone had similar experiences? Pavneet Arora parora@utgpu