[comp.sys.atari.st] cartridge slot kludge boards

mgr@pixar.UUCP (Michael Griffin Russell) (12/30/87)

Anyone out there know a company that sells a prototype
board for the ST cartridge slot.  Any info on physically
plugging into the cartridge slot would be appreciated.
Mike Russell ucbvax!pixar!mgr	Don't worry, amnesia is a common
				side effect of re-incarnation.

cbz@mhuxu.UUCP (Craig B. Ziemer) (12/31/87)

In article <1345@pixar.UUCP>, mgr@pixar.UUCP (Michael Griffin Russell) writes:
> Anyone out there know a company that sells a prototype
> board for the ST cartridge slot.  Any info on physically
> plugging into the cartridge slot would be appreciated.

I recently built a battery-backed real-time clock and a four
channel A/D converter to plug into my cartridge port. I bought
the board from,

                       Douglas Electronics
                       718 Marina Blvd.
                       San Leadro, CA 94577
                       (415) 483-8770

The board fits perfectly into the cartridge slot.  It has holes
spaced at 0.10 inches, 20 rows by 30 columns, with 8 rows dedi-
cated for power and ground buses.  The part number is 33-DE-40,
costs $10.00, they'll ship it however you want, and they accept
MC and VISA.  I have nothing to do with this outfit other than
being a satisfied customer.

Craig Z. at AT&T