[comp.sys.atari.st] Alcyon

juancho@dgp.toronto.edu (John Buchanan) (01/05/88)

	I am trying to use the alcyon compiler.  (I know big mistake)
I heard a while back that some one at atari was developing patches to 
ensure that the different passes would return a code other than 0 if
an error occured during that pass.  My question is 

	Was this real or another piece of rumorware.

	If the answer to the question is rumorware then send petitions to
the folks at atari for a hurried implementation of the above, if reality
then please send me the patches so that I don't have to sit here with
my hand on the ^C key.


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| Typical conversation on comp.[atari|amiga|mac].*		    |
My watch is better than yours.  It has multitasking, windows and

apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) (01/07/88)

in article <1988Jan5.000143.12104@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu>, 
juancho@dgp.toronto.edu (John Buchanan) says:

> I heard a while back that some one at atari was developing patches to 
> ensure that the different passes would return a code other than 0 if
> an error occured during that pass.

I was the one who made that patch (before I even started at Atari),
and I posted the patch to this group (or net.atari or whatever it
was before the Big Name Change)... I will recreate it and post it
again, but please don't ask when -- wait a week or so before asking
what happened to it.  Thanks.

Opinions expressed above do not necessarily	-- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else.	  ...ames!atari!apratt