AB084@DK0RRZK0.BITNET (01/21/88)
Recently I sent a letter to the net I had received from Skip Tavakkolian. It described various features and characteristics of IDRIS. One most inter- esting feature was the emulation of an MMU. I added a few questions, which I'd like to repeat and perhaps make them more concrete, because I haven't got any response. >- An emulated MMU seems a good idea if there is no hardware. But doesn't that >make the OS very slow? I'd greatly appreciate to see any benchmarks. In particular I'd be interested in "standards" like dhrystone/whetstone. If someone has run these on the ST under IDRIS and/or OS-9 *PLEASE* write the results either to the net or directly to me. >- Any experience with porting UNIX software? Has anyone done a *really* tough thing under IDRIS or OS-9 (like compiling GNU Emacs or UNIX Emacs, these being an example only - experience with any other interesting software is welcome)? I'd love to know. >Does anybody know whether IDRIS is available in Germany? I still don't. Thanks in advance Michael Eibl Institut f. Theoretische Physik Universitaet zu Koeln D-5000 Cologne West Germany