long@micomvax.UUCP (Long Thai) (08/16/85)
I have an address for someone on the BITNET , can someone tell me how to get to the BITNET ??? Please mail reponses to philabs!micomvax!peters Thanks in advance for all your help ....
mark@aoa.UUCP (Mark Reynolds) (08/19/85)
> > > I have an address for someone on the BITNET , can someone tell me how to > get to the BITNET ??? > > Please mail reponses to philabs!micomvax!peters > > Thanks in advance for all your help .... I would like this information also. Could the kind person(s) taht answer this question also mail their answers to .. (ihnp4|linus|decvax)!bbncca!aoa!mark Thank you.
sob@talcott.UUCP (Scott O Bradner) (08/20/85)
talcott.{arpa,uucp} is a BITNET gateway. send to: { ihnp4,harvard,wjh12,panda}!talcott!BITNETSITE!user note the CAPS on the BITNET site name ( kludge but conforms to IBM ) from an arpanet site: user%bitnetsite.bitnet@talcott.{ARPA,HARVARD.EDU} for the BITNETers to get back. 1/ make up a file with the first line thus: To: user@site.domain for example fred@ucbvax.uucp 2/ send this file NOT WITH A MAILER ( a mailer will add its own "to" line ) to MAILER AT HARVUNXT with CLASS=M and FTYPE=MAIL scott bradner harvard university sob@harvard.{uucp,arpa,csnet} sob@harvunxt.bitnet (617)495-3864.NYNEX