[comp.sys.atari.st] Beckenmeyers Micro C-Shell


Someone asked about using Beckenmeyers C Shell.  First off, it does not
emulate the Unix system.  It is more properly described as MS-DOS in UNIX
clothes, if that.    I like it though, I hate to have to do OS type stuff
using the silly desktop.  For one thing, you got wildcards.
It is also easier to use *.ttp files, you dont have to waste time opening
batch.ttp, and you enter the arguments the normal way.

I think Mark Williams msh has a few more features, I have only just started
using msh, so i cant compare them.  But if you dont have Mark Williams,
I would recommend Beckenmeyer's.   It makes things a lot easier.


Une fois, ca va, Deuex fois, ca va, Trois fois, ca va pas.