U608017@HNYKUN11.BITNET (Matthias Moritz) (01/22/88)
An important argument for buying or not buying is the amount, quality and price of the available software. The main reason why our university is buying Atari ST computers was and still is the availability of free quality software, especially the fantastic Uniterm, written by Simon Poole. I think Atari should be aware of this fact (how many thousand Atari ST have been sold because of Uniterm?) and support those people who are providing us with such good software. Hint: Atari, give for example a color monitor to Simon, he really deserves it. I also think that Atari should take the following letter from David Beckemeyer very seriously. > Say if a multi-tasking TOS compatible kernel were > available free to all users of the ST. In other works a free > runtime-only kernel to anybody that asks. Maybe even Atari gives > it aways with each machine. Programs developed for the multitasking > kernel will run on any machine with the free kernel installed. > > End-users get the runtime kernel free. Developers pay for a "development > kit" that includes non-PD documentation and programming language interfaces. Atari, this is the best opportunity to introduce multi-tasking into TOS. Please support this guy. Matthias Moritz Informatica 1 Toernooiveld NL-6525 ED Nijmegen E-Mail: U608017@HNYKUN11 (Bitnet/Earn) ...!mcvax!kunivv1!phoibos!matthias (Unix)