[comp.sys.atari.st] gemstart and uniterm


Hello Atari lovers,

This is a reply on the problems mentioned in a recent digest about how to
startup UniTerm with GEMSTART, without bombs.

I did also had the same problems, four bombs and everything dies.
Here is the solution:

-1- Put the program GEMSTART.PRG as the last program into the AUTO-folder on
    the bootdisk.

-2- Change with a disklook program (e.g. DISKDOC.PRG) the sentence
    "Autostart of A:\UNITERM" into "Autostart of $PATH$UNITERM.PRG"
    in the file GEMSTART.PRG and save the modified file in the AUTO-folder.

    NOTE: $PATH$ stands for the full pathname for the location of
          UNITERM.PRG (e.g. B:\UNITERM2.0A\)

-3- Create a desktop with the file window opened inwich the program
    UNITERM.PRG plus aux. files are located.

-4- Save the desktop on the bootdisk and reset your system.

-5- UniTerm should now autostart without any problem.

I hope that the guy who had this problem will be out of trouble now.


Victor Ronnen