[comp.sys.atari.st] ST OmniRes & thanks to Allan


Date:    24 February 1988, 14:50:18 EST
From:    Jim McCabe                                    JEMCCABE at MTUS5
Subject: ST OmniRes & thanks to Allan

First of all I'd like to thank Allan Pratt for responding so quickly
to my posting about a problem I've been encountering with GEMDOS.
At least I know the problem isn't _my_ fault so I can stop pouring
over my code trying to find nonexistant errors.  And at least the
bug is fixed in the new OS.  (And now I also have a horses-mouth
disclaimer to put into the docs explaining that the problem insn't
a bug in my program! :)

Now, on to the real business...

I'm probably going to buy ST OmniRes from the E. Arthur Brown Company.
I remember reading a review of it in a past info-atari16 digest, but
can't seem to find it.  Does anyone have anything good or bad to
say about this product?  I'm particularly interested in the quality
of the fake color images on a mono screen and in the speed of the

Thanks in advance!

|  Jim McCabe           |       Bitnet       |       UUCP       |
|  G31 ECH MTU          |     ----------     |     --------     |
|  Houghton, MI  49931  |  jemccabe @ mtus5  |  mccabe @ m-net  |