[comp.sys.atari.st] MX2 suggestions


Date:    3 March 1988, 15:40:11 EST
From:    Jim McCabe                                    JEMCCABE at MTUS5
Subject: MX2 suggestions

How about adding another GEMDOS function (there are a few spare
function numbers, aren't there?) that is similar to pexec but
lets the parent load other background processes.  Sure, calling
the SYS program (I have the early version of MX2 called AMULTI)
will do the same thing but it's not as nice as having the loader
also in memory.  I ask that you use a GEMDOS call so that Pascal
users like myself can still access it.  (An XBIOS or BIOS call
would work fine too.)  (Unfortunately, Pascal folk can't just
branch around in memory as easily as we'd like.)

With that improvement, lots of new programs could come out that
take advantage of multitasking (like multiline BBS programs)!
Of course, I'd be just as happy if RTX was released with specs too.

|  Jim McCabe           |       Bitnet       |       UUCP       |
|  G31 ECH MTU          |     ----------     |     --------     |
|  Houghton, MI  49931  |  jemccabe @ mtus5  |  mccabe @ m-net  |