[comp.sys.atari.st] OmniRes ST


Date:    7 March 1988, 21:52:47 EST
From:    Jim McCabe                                    JEMCCABE at MTUS5
Subject: OmniRes ST

I'm considering buying OmniRes ST (a program from E. Arthur Brown
Co. that lets any monitor run in any resolution).  I remember someone
a while posting a little review of it, but can't seem to locate my
old digests.

I've got several questions about this product, and would appreciate
any response:

a)  how good is the color emulation on a monochrome monitor?  Especially,
    on an intricate multicolored background, is it distinguishable as
    anything other than a mess?
b)  how fast is this color emulation?  Or, how good is the image in a
    faster mode?
c)  are color register updates performed?  (like in Degas's color cycling
    animation technique)
d)  how smooth is the mouse movement when pretending to be a color monitor?

This sounds like an interesting product (not nearly as interesting as
the late ST Video Box, unfortunately...)

If anyone else is interested, I could concatenate all the responses into
a file and send them out.  (That is, if someone answers this! ;)

>>> I do not have anything to do with E. Arthur Brown Co., I'm just
    curious as a you-know-what.

|  Jim McCabe           |       Bitnet       |       UUCP       |
|  G31 ECH MTU          |     ----------     |     --------     |
|  Houghton, MI  49931  |  jemccabe @ mtus5  |  mccabe @ m-net  |