[comp.sys.atari.st] GNOME 2.0 ready

braner@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (braner) (03/07/88)


Last year I distributed (via snail-mail, on disk) my very own version
of microEMACS, for the Atari ST (and also for UNIX).

I use this editor daily for all of my work, including program editing,
some data files, shell scripts, letters, and word processing (in combination
with YAFIYGI ("you asked for it you got it") style typesetting software, such
as TeX or troff).  I am writing this very posting in it.  Its strongest
advantage is that I can use it on every system I need to work on.  It does
not support GRAPHICAL windows (has text-only output) but it supports the
editing of multiple files in multiple windows.  The edited files must
completely reside in RAM, but the editor can use all available RAM.

I have just finished another major revision.  It now compiles on UNIX
(I tried BSD 4.3 and Gould UTX 2.0 (?)), the Atari ST (Laser C), and
(new!) *** MS-DOS machines *** (Turbo C 1.5).  The latter two versions
make extensive use of the function keys of the respective machines.
The source code is common to all versions, with system-dependent stuff
inside conditional compilation switches.  In theory it will also
compile on VMS and CPM, but I havn't tried that.

The nice features of my version include:

1)	It's one compact self-contained executable file (about 55K).

2)	It has instant built-in help.

3)	The function-key support means little use of control-keys is necessary.
	(The standard control-key command invocations are retained, though.)

4)	Horizontal scrolling for long lines (up to 255 chars).

5)	All parameter entry requests (e.g., search patterns, file names,
	buffer names...) have intelligent defaults through which one
	can scroll with up-down arrows.  Each can be screen-edited with
	the usual keys (left-right arrows, delete, backspace, etc.).
	This makes for very quick respones with minimal typing.

6)	Command line option (default ON in UNIX version) to save all keystrokes
	in a file (flushed every 256 keystrokes).  The file pathname is taken
	from an environment variable.  This is to recover work after a system

7)	Search patterns can include a '.' wildcard (fits any char), a
	"whitespace" wildcard (^W, fits any amount of whitespace, including
	none), and '!' that means the next char can be anything BUT what
	is in the search pattern.

8)	8-bit extended ASCII supported (in ST and MS-DOS versions): preceding
	a key with Alt-A sets the 8-th bit.  Such chars are displayed in the
	extended system font.  In disk files, 8-bit data are read and written
	correctly.  The help facility includes a built-in table of these chars.

9)	The MS-DOS version uses DIRECT screen output (courtesy of Turbo C 1.5),
	with a command-line option to force BIOS output in non-100% compatible
	machines.  The latter is fast, the first is even faster.

10)	Word wrap and paragraph reformatting.  Margins can be set from
	the command line or inside the editor.

11)	The number of rows and columns to use is settable from the command
	line.  Useful for slow over-the-modem use and with windowing terminals.

12)	In ST and MS-DOS versions: low-level binary block file I/O, MUCH faster
	than the original microEMACS.

13)	In MS-DOS: escape to COMMAND.COM for a shell or for one command.
	In the latter case, the default-entry facilities create a pseudo-
	shell with screen-editing of previous commands, intact across
	separate accesses to this command (Alt-Z).

14)	Search for matching brackets, recognising nested (), [], and {}.

And so on.

I have changed the name of the editor to "GNOME"  (Generally Not the Original
Micro Emacs).  This is in compliance with Richard Stallman's request that
such things not be called EMACS (he wrote the original, in LISP).  Also to
identify my version (which, by now, is mostly my code!) from the numerous
other versions of "microEMACS" around.  The current version is GNOME 2.0.

Since the source code is about 190K, and each executable about 55K, I think
that posting it is not a great idea.  Any suggestions on how to make it
available?  (It is copyrighted but I don't mind people using it for free!)

For now, if you want it quick, send $5 to me (to cover my time and expenses)
and I'll send a disk in physical mail.  Please specify 3.5" (single or double
sided, the latter MS-DOS 3.2+ compatible) or 5.25".  Sources (in C) will be
included (ARCed).  Overseas requests: please send several disks instead of
money.  I would rather not send it e-mail, but I'll put it up for anonymous
ftp if somebody can explain how you do that.

- Moshe Braner

PS: Much thanks to Dave Conroy, who wrote the original "microEMACS"
(in 1985, I think), and passed it around!

braner@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (braner) (03/10/88)


Oops --- I left out my mailing address, in case somebody actually wants
to get GNOME via physical mail.  Here it is:

Moshe Braner
69 Ringwood Rd., Freeville, NY 13068  U.S.A.
(607) 347-4573
<braner@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu>		(ARPANET)
<braner@crnlcam>			(BITNET)