[comp.sys.atari.st] UNIX Toolkit for the ST, binary and source available

andrew@kcl-cs.UUCP (Andrew B Smith) (03/29/88)

		UNIX Toolkit for the ATARI ST


For a while a friend (Steve Ashcroft) and I have been working on a
toolkit of UNIX style commands for the Atari ST. The work took over 
a year of part-time programming and involved a lot of effort. We had 
been planning to sell the kit as a commercial product, but due to an 
overload in our work we could not find the time to market and distribute 
the software. So we are placing the BINARY of the software in the Public 
Domain, with the following restrictions:

	This file is included with all copies of the software;

	It is not used in a commercial environment without purchasing the
	source (see later);

	Any company selling (or redistributing for a fee) public domain 
	software must make a small contribution to us (we leave that upto you);

We are also offering the SOURCE for the toolkit to anyone for the small 
sum of 35 US dollars or 20 UK pounds. THIS SOURCE IS NOT IN THE PUBLIC

I enclose an ARC file of all the manual pages and one binary (ls.prg). 
The arc alone for the binaries is over 300 Kbytes and I shall not post 
the rest until I am sure that the is enough demand for it. Please MAIL
me and I shall decide on the number of replys I get.

Here is a list of the utilities:

	basename cal cat cb chmod cmp comm cp date df du echo expand 

	expr file find grep head look ls make mkdir mv od pwd reverse 

	rm rmdir sh size sleep sort strings tail test touch tr tsort 

	uniq wc

If you are interested you can send a cheque or cash (notes only please) to:

	Andrew Smith
	3, David Grove,
	NG9 3AF

Many thanks,

Andrew Smith.