[comp.sys.atari.st] Why are the nets so dead


I have seen a lot of people posting asking why are the nets so dead.
I'm sure we all are wondering, what do they mean, there are a lot of
people arguing about multitasking a nightmare and copy protection.  I
couldn't figure out what they were talking about until I relized that I
was having the same problem.  For a month or so there were no postings,
I knew something was wrong.  It turns out that for some reason I could
not receive the net.  I do get it now, because every two or so months, a
friend goes into the archives and downloads the 500+ transactions that I
missed.  This is a little ridiculous, and because of this, I fall behind
in my readings (the last transaction I got was from Feb.  8).  No one
knows what's wrong, but I'd like to see it worked out.

The strange thing is, that I could still post, I just couldn't recieve.
I'm sure the people saying the net is dead are having the same problems.
I sure hope someone works it out, so I can read the net normally!

Aric Friesen

 "Exterminate!  Exterminate!"

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