[comp.sys.atari.st] Some respectable Atari news

rjung@castor.usc.edu (Robert Jung) (04/07/88)

  In case you haven't heard, Atari Corp. has broken onto Fortune magazine's
"Fortune 500" list of top businesses/companies.

  Atari got ranked #484 out of (naturally) 500 slots, and it's being viewed
by most people as a "surprising" entry...

Bitnet: rjung@castor.usc.edu              "Who needs an Amiga?"    = == =    
                                                                   = == =    
                  Power WithOUT the Price                          = == =    
                                                               ===== == =====
   Just because it's 8-bits doesn't make it obsolete.          ====  ==  ====