[comp.sys.atari.st] A bug in Laser C

braner@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (braner) (04/17/88)


I found what I consider a bug in Laser C.  It's been claimed that
Laser C did away with ALL the 16-bit limits.  Well, not quite, at
least not in the case of arrays of structures:

[The file test.c:]

struct mystruct {			/* structure 6 bytes long */
	int		i;
	struct mystruct	*ptr;
typedef struct mystruct MYSTRUCT;

static MYSTRUCT a[12000];

	register MYSTRUCT *p, *q;
	register unsigned int  n;	/* 16 bits */
	register unsigned long m;	/* 32 bits */

	q = &a[12000];
	p = a;
	p += 12000;	/* should add 6*12000 to the address in p */
	m = n = 12000;	/* 12000 is within the range of int */
	p += n;		/* should do the same */
	p += m;		/* same again */
	p = &a[n];	/* same but through the 'index' notation */

[compile the above code]

dis test.o		[run the Megamax disassembler]

[comments added later: dis.ttp does NOT include
the source code lines in the output  :-( ]

	LINK	A6, #0x0
	MOVEM.L	D6/D7/A4/A5, -(A7)
;	q = &a[12000];
	LEA.L	0x11996.L, A0	; correct: adds 6*12000
	MOVEA.L	A0, A4		; (inefficient: needless copying)
; 	p = a;
	LEA.L	0x56.L, A0
	MOVEA.L	A0, A5		; (inefficient again)
; 	p += 12000;
	ADDA.L	#0x11940, A5	; correct
;	m = n = 12000;
	MOVE.W	#0x2ee0, D6	; first assign to m (efficient!)
	MOVE.W	D6, D7		; copy to n
	AND.L	#0xffff, D6	; correct: extend m to long
; 	p += n;
	MOVE.W	D7, D0
	MULU.W	#0x6, D0	; n*sizeof(), the result is LONG
	AND.L	#0xffff, D0	; kill the top word:
	ADDA.L	D0, A5		;		*** WRONG!!! ***
; 	p += m;
	MOVE.L	D6, D0		; (unnecessary copying)
	MOVE.L	D0, -(A7)
	MOVE.L	#0x6, D0
	MOVE.L	D0, -(A7)	; m may be > 64K, so:
	JSR  	__ulmul.L	; do the m*sizeof() the hard way...
	MOVE.L	(A7)+, D0
	ADDA.L	D0, A5		; this time correct (but slow)
;	p = &a[n];
	MOVE.W	D7, D0
	AND.L	#0xffff, D0	; extend n to long
	MOVE.L	D0, -(A7)
	MOVE.L	#0x6, D0
	MOVE.L	D0, -(A7)
	JSR  	__lmul.L
	MOVE.L	(A7)+, D0
	LEA.L	0x52.L, A0	; (could use A5 directly)
	ADD.L	A0, D0
	MOVEA.L	D0, A5		; correct (but slow)
	MOVEM.L	(A7)+, D6/D7/A4/A5

In my view the code for "p += n;" should have looked like:

	MOVE.W	D7, D0
	MULU.L	#0x6L, D0	; (this is a fictitious 68000 op)
	ADDA.L	D0, A5

i.e., either it should be:

	MOVE.L	D7, D0
	MOVE.L	D0, -(A7)
	MOVE.L	#6, -(A7)	; no extra copying
	JSR  	__ulmul.L
	ADDA.L	(A7)+, A5	; no extra copying

or, since we know that n (D7) is an int and that
MULU takes WORD args and results in a LONG:

	MOVE.W	D7, D0
	MULU	#6, D0		; much faster
	ADDA.L	D0, A5

Conclusion:  Laser C does not use the fact that the result of a 68000
MULU operation is a LONG.  Worse, it truncates to an int (WORD) the
offset that is to be added to a pointer (LONG), just because the offset
was previously calculated from an int.  Note that the latter mistake was
NOT made in calculating the address of a[n] at the end.

Other tests showed that if the array a[] is smaller than 64K then the
calculation of &a[n] is done with a MULU rather than a call to __ulmul().
That's a nice touch (much faster).  But the reference must be to the
array itself.  Assign "p=a;" and then do "p[i]" and it's back to the
slow call to __ulmul(), even if there are no large arrays in your
program anywhere!  (This means that if an array is passed to a function
and the function uses it, through an index or otherwise, bye-bye speed...)

Moral: Reference to large (>64K) arrays THROUGH AN INDEX (as in a[i])
works OK (albeit slowly, even if i is an int), but to avoid a bug in
Laser C, DO NOT ADD an int X to a pointer-to-Y if X*sizeof(Y) may be > 64K.
Also, for speed's sake, avoid indexing on a pointer!

Note: All this only holds for arrays of structures.  In the case of arrays
of ints, longs, floats or doubles Laser C knows to calculate the offset
via a quick ASL.L.  Thanks goodness.

- Moshe Braner