[comp.sys.atari.st] 1stWordPlus Question

wolf@csclea.ncsu.edu (Thomas Wolf) (04/19/88)

A friend of mine who doesn't have access to usenet has the following

	1.  Are there any HP-Laserjet Printer Drivers available for
	    1stWord Plus?
	    I understand that 1stWord Plus is pretty popular in
	    Europe, and the person for whom I'm trying to obtain
            this information hopes that he will have better luck
            there than he's been having over here. 
	    If you know of such beasts, could you let me know HOW
	    he might get his hands on them?

	2.  Are there any Regression Packages (Statistics) available
	    for the ST?  If no English-language ones exist, German
	    programs would be ok too.  Could you e-mail me an address
   	    of a mail-order place or software-publisher that sells
	    this package?  Again, I would forward the address to my

Thanks in advance for any information regarding these questions.

Tom Wolf
ARPA (I think): tw@cscosl.ncsu.edu
          or  wolf@csclea.ncsu.edu