[comp.sys.atari.st] ATTENTION DOUG COLLINGE...

cdj@NADC.ARPA (C. Johnson) (05/25/88)

Apologies to those on the net, but...


	I have not been able to get mail out to you.  I have not
forgotten about you.  I will be getting a new account on a different
machine, and hopefully that will solve the problem.

P.S.  Your docs are very good....CJ

Christopher D. Johnson		| "Duct tape is like the Force:
Penn State University,		|	It has a good side, and a
Dept. of Electrical Engineering	|	dark side, and it binds
                                |	the Universe together."
cdj@nadc.arpa (UNTIL MAY 27)	|
cdj@psuecl.bitnet (AFTER MAY 27)|