[comp.sys.atari.st] an FD-10


I was just talking to my local Atari dealer, and he said that he had
ordered the drives and expected them any time.

I learned something, though, that bothers me.  I was planning on buying
on of these floppy drives that stores 10 megs on a 5 1/4 floppy and
using it as a hard drive (I don't own a hard disk now).  I was told that
they arn't very reliable for storing and restroing data however, and
that they should only be used to backup hard disk systems.
            Can anyone comment???

Answers greatly appreciated

Aric Friesen

Addresses:  Genie:  A.FRIESEN ARPA:  Friesen%PCO@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA

"Lenny, ya durned fool, ya bought an Amiga!" "Gee George, I squashed the
                                       ---"Of Mice and Men"