[comp.sys.atari.st] Personal software review


Here is a summary of some software I have been using, and how I like it.

Test Drive (game)--excelent, you can drive a Corvette, Ferrari, Lotus,
                   Porsche 911, or Lamborghini.  Just like Amiga
                   version, except without the errors.

Flash (terminal program)--excelent, this program is great, it has
                          programable features for automatically
                          calling, uploding, etc.  It has a nice text
                          editor.  Lots more!

Supra Modem (2400 baud)--excellent, low priced, is 'Hayes' compatable

ST-Replay (audio digitizer)--Those guys from Microdeal/Michtron/GFA
                             have done it again.  Excelent audio
                             digitizer.  I recorded the "Mr. Ed" theme
                             song and played it backwards and
                             disproved the theory that it is satanic.
                             Excellent sound, and optional output for
                             hooking it up to a stereo system (no
                             stereo output though).

Cyber Paint--good, needs
                  1.  512 color support
                  2.  fill patterns
                  3.  user-definable fill patterns
                  4.  better text features
                  5.  better line features (such as arrow ends, and
                      dotted lines)
             (I guess I'll have to break down and buy Spectrum)
             other wise it's pretty good.

CAD 3-D--good, needs
                  1.  512 color support
                  2.  math co-processor (it's too slow!)
                  3.  better drawing tools (I've heard Cyber Control
                      takes care of this, but I don't want to deal with
                      another programming language!)
                      other wise it's OK.

GFA Basic--Yes I program in basic!--this is an excellent program, it
           dosn't use line numbers so your programs are more structured,
           it is very fast, and has a nice compiler, ect. ect...
           I love this package!

ProCopy--(allows you to copy copy protected software)--It is very
         nice, the only problem I've had was that it wouldn't copy
         Test Drive because it uses a new copy protection, I will have
         to wait for the next version of ProCopy to come out.

Stereo Tek Liquid Crystal Glasses--****EXCELLENT***
                                   WoW!!!!!! these are great!!!!!!!
                                   The effect (I use them with CAD
                                   3-D) is like having a holographic
                                   screen.  The pictures really do
                                   look like holograms!!! In two
                                   hours I made a simple anamation
                                   of the USS Enterprise rotating on
                                   its x,y,and z axis, while it
                                   hovers over my keyboard because it
                                   comes out of the screen!!!!!!
                                   CAD 3-D isn't the same without

Aric Friesen

Addresses:  Genie:  A.FRIESEN ARPA:  Friesen%PCO@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA

"Lenny, ya durned fool, ya bought an Amiga!" "Gee George, I squashed the
                                       ---"Of Mice and Men"