[comp.sys.atari.st] atari dealers in chicago


A reader asked about Atari dealers in Chicago, and I tried to email him
directly, but our mailer could not decode or otherwise access his address.

Therefore, I will post here.  There is one in St. Charles called Computer
Celler, it is way out west though, and can be reached at 584-4048.  I
bought a mega from them, and they have been very supportive about fixing
the media change problem. (they replaced the Chinon with another manufacturer)

If you want to stay in the city, I know Guitar Shack on Clark 1 block south
of Belmont is an Atari dealer, and they sell Megas.  You cant miss it, it
is right near those Yuppie clothing stores.

This posting is not intended to be an ad for those store, I am posting
this in response to a reader's inquiry.