Well, this last weekend I went to my local Atari dealer, and purchased Obliterator. This game is one of the best I've seen for the ST, the graphics are great, sounds are good, and action and game-play are excellent. The only thing I didn't like was that when a lot of things are on the screen, it gets slow. This game is hard, but fun. It took me four days (about 20 hours of playing) to complete the mission. There is one last thing, you control your player by an icon panel at the bottom of the screen (you can use the joystick or mouse, but it's not recommended) and I think if they had written some better joystick handling routiens, it would be a little better to use the joystick, but this game is still great, I definetly recommend this game. The basic game is that you must collect weapons, amunition, and peices of the ship in order to disable it. Basically you shoot everything in sight, but watch the level of your amunition. As you get to certain points of the game you can save it to continue later. I really can't do it justice, you had better just go out and buy it! :-) P.S. On the back of the box it shows the guy shooting up, I have only been able to shoot sideways, if anyone figures how to shoot up, please let me know. P.P.S. Here is a hint on control (if you don't want the hint don't read this) the only time you should use the joystick is when you are wearing the jet-packs, at least that is what I've found, but experiment yourself! Aric Friesen Addresses: Genie: A.FRIESEN ARPA: Friesen%PCO@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA "Lenny, ya durned fool, ya bought an Amiga!" "Gee George, I squashed the mouse!" ---"Of Mice and Men"