[comp.sys.atari.st] Degas compressed format


Date:    7 July 1988, 09:10:51 EST
From:    Jim McCabe                                      MCCABE at MTUS5
Subject: Degas compressed format

A few months ago, someone was kind enough to post the file formats
of several different paint programs (Degas, Spectrum, Tiny, NEOchrome,
etc...).  I saved the message in a file and gutted out the message
header and whatnot, so I don't have the address of the user to
posted them.  (sigh)

My problem is that he doesn't list the format for Degas compressed
files.  I know Degas Elite defaults to the compressed format, and
if someone would post the compression scheme I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance!

|  Jim McCabe             |  mccabe @ mtus5.BITNET    |
|  210 E. Street, Apt #3  |  jemccabe @ mtus5.BITNET  |
|  Houghton, MI  49931    |  mccabe @ m-net.UUCP      |