[comp.sys.atari.st] re MIDI THRU


Regarding the reader who wanted to have MIDI THRU, I know of no quick way
to do it.  However, it isnt too hard.  Revector the MIDI IN routine to
a vector which writes the MIDI byte received to the MIDI OUTPUT port.
The midi vector is obtained thru the Kbdvbase() function, and the
address of the midi input routine is kbp->kb_midivec.

Write a routine in assembler which writes the received MIDI byte to the
Midi port.  I dont recommend using Bconout or Midiws, this is inside an
interupt and I have had problems using them, it is also more efficient
to write the MIDI OUT port directly.  Basically, it is just an address,
but you have to check the status, etc.  But you can copy the code directly
if you have Abacus Internals or the OS listings from the developers kit.
After you have the MIDI byte outputed, simply jump to the original
address you got from kbp->kb_midivec.

That is roughly how it is done.  I have rewritten the MIDI input
routine, not to do THRU, but I have it set up so that it goes into
some data structures more useful to me.  It really isnt that tough.