[comp.sys.atari.st] Spread sheet for ST


The BEST spread sheet for the ST would have to be LDW Power from
Logical Design Works, Inc.  Some features include:
 - Lotus release 2 compatiblility (.WK1 files) -- no need to convert to
   .WKS file if you use the latest version of Lotus.
 - GEM and TEXT (Lotus) interchangable interfaces
 - Multiple screen fonts (condensed, regular, large (bold)) for more info
   on screen and different styles
 - Better performance than VIP in all respects -- scrolling, recalc, copy,
   et al.
 - Macro recording, macro lang. compatible with Lotus
 - GDOS (for graphs, etc) + sideways printing
 - and more...

$149.95 list.

Company: Logical Design Works, Inc.
         780 Montague Expwy., #403
         San Jose, California  95131
         Fax: (408) 435-7355

DISCLAIMER: Not related to above mentioned company...