[comp.sys.atari.st] Color screen problem

atn@dycom.UUCP (Antti Nuoreva) (09/01/88)

Hi there,

I have a little problem with my ST. I have made a cable that connects
Atari RGB signal to the television with SCART (EURO)-connector. It works
fine, but sometimes (yes, not always, but still very often) it has shadows
on the screen (4 or 5 usually), though they can be seen only with dark 
stuff on light background (i.e. in normal Desktop or file selector box). 
But it is still so noticeable effect that I want it off. So what can I do ???

If somebody would like to know some details to solve this nasty problem,
I'll be happy to send more detailed explanation, but I think the problem 
is the cable (8-wire flat cable, length about 2.5 meters). Or has someone 
made some special connections to make it work ??

I also can post details of the connection, if someone wants to do it for
him/herself, but I think it is so well-known connection in the 'big world'
that even this question can be stupid. But anyway, please help me!!


-Antti Nuoreva, 