[comp.sys.atari.st] Sighting!

) (09/01/88)

Since I haven't heard anything on the net about this ..
While flipping through a Hifi-mag here in W-Germany my eyes fell
on the review of the ATARI PDP1+1Xx^%$^$E#&^ whatever, guess what: it
was the CD-Player the 'Old Ones' told us about.

What I have remembered from the review is :

    Price  1200.- DM (~$500) 

    Can be used as a audio-CD as well as a peripheral

    Barebones CD-player no comfort at all.

    550MB formatted space (I am counting on my 'photographic
    memory' here, har har)

    Lousy on error correction
    Software available : Van Halen  Beethoven etc. (har har)

Oh well...