[comp.sys.atari.st] Catching up on all this Atari news


>...I was just wondering if someone could fill me in on all the ST >news
from the last three months or so.

Could somone do that for me too?

I have not been gone, and have read every transaction I recived.  I
usually don't have time to check the number, I just print them and read
them.  I think I must be missing some issues.  (I've seen a lot of
people complaining of this problem.)  I will see a reply to a message
that I never saw the first posting of (many of which look interesting).
Why do I seem to miss certain messages?

"Exterminate!  Exterminate!"--Daleks

  /~\-*                            ...............................
  ###--<                           ...............................
 /***\ I'm trying to fool the line eater /*****\ he always messes up my
asci drawings

Aric Friesen

Addresses:  .......................................  Genie:  A.FRIESEN
.......................................  ARPA:
Friesen%PCO@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA ............................