[comp.sys.atari.st] Cyber Paint 2.0 Cyber Paint 2.0


I sent away (a while ago) for my upgrade to Cyber Paint 2.0.  I recived
it fairly soon after, however, I did not recive the new documentation.
I waited a while, and decided they forgot to send it, so I wrote them a
letter.  A few days later I recived the documentation.  Now, a while
after I recieved another copy of Cyber Paint 2.0 (hence the subject, I
recieved two copies of Cyber Paint 2.0).  I don't know what they are
doing.  The new copies don't seem to be any different except for the
style of disk labels they used.  The all have the same files, and seem
to have the same version of Cyber Paint.  Well all I can say is that
they were very good in sending the manual soon after I wrote them the
letter.  I cannot figure why they would send me another copy of Cyber
Paint, so long after I recived the manual.  I made it perfectly clear
that I had the software, just that I did not have the documentation.

Oh well...

"Exterminate!  Exterminate!"--Daleks

  /~\-*                            ...............................
  ###--<                           ...............................
 /***\ I'm trying to fool the line eater /*****\ he always messes up my
asci drawings

Aric Friesen

Addresses:  .......................................  Genie:  A.FRIESEN
.......................................  ARPA:
Friesen%PCO@BCO-MULTICS.ARPA ............................